Exposing fallen angels a Mass Alien Deception in Great Tribulation. Author Bonnie Meyer & Religious people promote a fake jesus RETURNING from a contingent of Spacecraft & Planets, not HEAVEN mirrored

1 year ago

his is a mirrored video

YAHUSHUA (יהושע), a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for then.

Bonnie Meyer lies. Is she the alien being interviewed as Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu prophesied and warned would happen. Bonnie Meyer says she met Jesus in a space ship, if she met anyone it is the soon coming Anti Christ who will steal the name JESUS CHRIST. Jesus is the name of men especially in Spanish, YAHUSHUA is the true Hebrew Name as written in the oldest Greek Manuscript the codex.

Beware of people like Bonnie Meyer.

Prophet Elisheva saw the UFO invasion in dream Who will you cry out to when this happens? The UFO's Are Coming, What Will You Do?

Prophetic Dream:

I saw myself in what appeared to be a City. I saw people running in terror from the UFO's, especially a huge cigar shaped UFO with 2 fins on one end of the UFO. Men and women were yelling, "JESUS HELP ME!" Then I saw this cigar shaped UFO shoot out a single beam of light that looked bluish/green in color. The bluish/green light would hit the people and it picked them up and pulled them into the space craft. The people were screaming, "Jesus help me!" Yet they were still taken by that beam of light into the belly of the cigar shaped UFO. The people could not out run the UFO. Then the cigar shaped UFO hovered over me and I tried to out run it, but I couldn't. I saw the beam of light come towards me in the air and I yelled as it was directly over me, "YAHUSHUA prove to me you hear my prayer, help me!" The beam of light stopped in mid air and went to the nearest person to me who was yelling "JESUS" and they were taken by that beam of light, kicking and screaming in horror right into the belly of the cigar shaped UFO. End of dream This ministry warns why it is urgent for people to know the Hebrew NAME for our Messiah YAHUSHUA or YAHSHUA. The name of JESUS CHRIST has saving, anointing, healing, delivering, resurrection power now, but WILL NOT in the Great Tribulation. I don't believe I will be in the Great Tribulation in this mortal body, I was there to warn you now. However in the dream it is a warning that the anti-christ who is the son of satan, will be using the name of JESUS CHRIST because Christians all over the world, in multitudes of languages, use the beloved name of JESUS CHRIST. The most famous TV evangelists are setting the people up for the Blue Beam rapture, which is a counterfeit rapture.

Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu, March 2005


Why we use the Sacred Names of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and SHKHINYAH GLORY:


A Soon Worldwide Mandatory Worship & The Mark of the beast from one world antichrist Superchurch:


The False Blue Beam Rapture mocks Holy Rapture:


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