Refuge for HIS oppressed people. (Isaiah 14:24-32)

1 year ago

There is a lot here and part of the reason I take 29 the way I did is because "fiery serpent" is how the Strong's concordance translates is the same word translated differently in 6:2, seraphim and I have to guess there is at least a reason for this, that GOD has, more than just people. Because remember, it's the inspired Word of GOD written by man, the two working as intimately together as we were meant to on page 1 in the garden. So what if it's not just words to the people in Isaiah's future about the military might coming, what if it's something deeper, because thinking in "military strategy" is part of why HE wasn't recognized in the first place when HE came to Jerusalem. Fitting that today is Spy Wednesday (never heard it called that till this week, so that's kind of cool to learn too!) cause where Mary gives her all in trust that something different is afoot, Judas is willing to play the world's game for a 10th of the price and how often does the body trade washing the feet of JESUS with our hair and our tears, remembering and knowing all HE has done for us, to us, and through us, for the world's 10%? How often does the body trade life or what's left on the threshing floor because we'd rather be Lot's wife than simply remember her and Not. Look. Back. at Egypt, at Sodom, at Moab, at any dead place we have been brought out of that we might have new, true, and real, life!

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