MZTV 1182: Drama Leading Up to the Kent Debate

1 year ago

In 1997, when Rick Farwell asked me if I would debate Pastor R. Clay Kent on the topic of human free will, I readily accepted. It boggled my mind that anyone could defend human free will, especially someone as scripturally grounded as Clay Kent, a believer in the salvation of all.

The first thing Rick and I did was set a premise for the debate. It was a beautiful thing, the most naked assessment and definition of human free will possible. The problem was: would Kent agree to argue the affirmative of the premise? Mr. Farwell called Mr. Kent, repeated the premise to him word-for-word, and Mr. Kent said, yes, he would argue the affirmative. Upon this agreement, then, I prepared my case.

Fast-forward three weeks, and the night of the conference. What happened at 7 p.m, when Pastor Kent entered the church to begin the debate, is something that no one who witnessed that debate will ever forget.

But first, here is the premise that puts human free will in the most naked light possible.


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