bad attention is still attention, they do not discriminate

1 year ago

yet another threatening msg from the state
lights on when raining, IT'S THE LAW
don't rape kids IT'S THE LAW (kidding! they will never take that shit seriously)
we just wanted to show you that cement truck one more time (yo welcome)
many people drive drunk n never get caught (they're just too good at it)
i know it just takes that one time...
nobody will tackle the most heinous of crimes
the smartphone is the epitome of this culture
cluster B has taken over the world
histrionics love drama, i mean it's in the name
borderlines and narcissists are like pitbulls
drink evan williams seriously good bourbon
takin one for the tranny team, i need to read that bitch's manifesto or whatever
once gay marriage got legalized this whole thing was amplified to the point of no return
unique persective due to being illegitimate child
glad i didn't kill myself all those yrs haha
being a liberal, i didn't understand what the big deal was about gay marriage
bullying is not the reason for violence, that's just yet another excuse
leftists always rationalize terrible behavior and throw those entire communities under the bus but they're so stupid they don't realize
reTARD ville hahaha
i said the m word last night hahaha
Make Mental Illness Great Again (mmiga)
used to be an ally to LGB no T
mental illness coulda been so great but gays just had to get involved
adam knows that this ain't about him
oh! if only i was a capitalist
another dumb mf destroyed the awning cos they took their big ass truck thru the drive thru
freedom is not a good thing, america is bad

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