the media is a buffet for the devil+piano punk*Matthew 13:57

1 year ago

they're not listening they never do
americans love tv more than Salvation
gay station so true! how useful can men possibly be w/ that game controller
not afraid to say things that will lose my appeal
who would be a proud american
so cool to be just like everybody else
front row seat to degeneracy due to doin standup and restaurant work
the ag difference: we have shame
we prostrate every single day everywhere
5th cop i've seen tonight (end of the month)
cops did real good recently when they actually serve n protect
the devil likes to make you forget God
imagine a trance! person going crazy
so easy to blame shrinks but...the meds exacerbated the problem that she was already experiencing (satan)
confirmation bias proves how wrong society is
bigger picture: this bitch didn't have God
inconvenient information for patriots right here
unhealthy to fetishize anything
planned parenthood conveniently in the ghetto always
the perp is either demonized or touted as a victim
i've been warning about psych meds for a long ass time but here we are again
all the violent acts that kids commit without a firearm on these medications
my eye is always itching
americans are a buncha desensitized degenerates
these "people" just wanna be right who cares about how many people die
emotional disorder so uh bipolar
wtf is a "doctor's care"
why does society trust psychiatry in the first place
people have given up on problem solving
society brain-washed to trust authority figures
it's the radiation from the phones that have flu-like symptoms (people didn't notice until it was brought to their attention)
infantilized to focus on the surface or zero in on that one thing that they are convinced is the problem
their "solutions" always involve banning sumin that is inconvenient
i wish they'd ban school and psychiatry but that's a pipe dream
my brother is an obvious (overt) narcissist
i would never agree w/ my brother being treated inhumanely all becuz of his disorder
could you tell that i was about to say everybody...MOST people that take psych meds are totally zombified
the small minority of those that commit grave acts of violence that don't even remember it
the elephant in the room: technology dependence, gonna keep sayin it til they kill me
you CHOOSE not to do anything cos you're a fucking pussy
they know not what they do
there is no other authority but God so this is what chu get
it's amazing how much the devil wins whenever there's a tragedy
everyone is vicariously playing victim from all political angles
sorcery has always ruled society
lemme add a quarter...FIND GOD
hashtag go kill yourself (no self awareness fret not)
i just thought i would yell for a min
wise words from james murphy (front man for lcd soundsystem)
my audience was very confused
Jesus IS an og, kelsey would've gotten it
Jesus flips over tables and tells off authority figures: my hero and savior
politically incorrect Jesus said that
comedic NIV version over here, you're welcome
technology is boring, kill yourself
i never thought i could possibly be more ready for it all to end
i will probably add to some of these posters to make them pop out more
take your mistakes and flip them, YOU WILL GET BETTER
i take comedy very seriously becuz of the bigger picture of it
if you have a phone break it and you too can be interesting again
free wifi IS free crack
i kinda screwed up the F there but it's okay we forgive ourselves
make the world a better place and get off your phone, so true!
we are very committed to this msg
i will mop the floor w/ every last piece of shit on twitter PROMISE

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