Cast Iron repair, oxy/acetylene welding

1 year ago

The repair in this video was completed in 2016 and is still in service today, it is of the claws foot of a cast iron bath tub. I use a pre/post heat on all of my cast iron repairs, this rod I’m using is a cast rod with no flux coating, when the rod is hot you dip it in a dry cast iron flux, the process is a torch oxygen/acetylene process. I put the parts put back together and held in place with a couple vise grips, tack it up, complete the weld process both inside and out, clean up the outside without gouging the base metal, decrease in grit with different tools until you have a finished product with about the same look/texture as the original metal. If you are very picky you can sand blast the finish to give it a more like cast finish. Below are the addresses my YouTube channel which I no longer have access to, my Instagram page, HRI Services welding Facebook page, and my Outdoor Pursuits Facebook page.

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