Light fruity dessert ✨🍰

1 year ago


Gelatin - 25 gr.
Water - 100 ml.
Cottage cheese - 100 gr.
Sugar - 100 gr or sweetener

Sour cream or yogurt without additives - 300 gr.
Vanilla sugar - 1.5 gr.
Any fruits, berries or canned fruits.


Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell for 5-10 minutes. In a bowl, combine cottage cheese, sugar, sour cream and vanilla sugar. We interrupt everything with a blender. Melt the gelatin in the microwave in small pulses or in a water bath, do not boil the gelatin in any case, then it will lose its properties) and add to the curd mass. We mix. Add fruits, berries, etc. Mix, pour into a form covered with cling film and send in the cold for 3 hours. Then cut and enjoy.

Real Food | #dessert

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