The Importance of Finding Your Soul-Driven "Why" with Linda Deir

1 year ago

In this Sales POP interview, John Golden interviews Linda Deer, an author, coach, and trainer, about her concept of "why" and how it relates to guidance from spirit guides. Linda explains that people often miss the point of their purpose in life by focusing too much on material success and not enough on their soul-driven why. She believes that people's minds are working against them because they are not conscious of their purpose. Linda recommends her guided journey program, which is a self-directed counseling service that helps people move through insights and channeling from the guides. She also explains her method of connecting with spirit guides and finding one's purpose through journaling.

0:00 Introduction John Golden introduces Linda Deer and her background.

Linda's concept of "why" [00:01:43] Linda explains her concept of "why" and how it is driven by guidance from spirit guides.

Distractions of modern life [00:07:41] John and Linda discuss how distractions of modern life make it difficult for people to understand themselves and find their purpose.

Becoming conscious and aware [00:08:22] Linda explains how people can become conscious and aware of their soul-driven purpose and how everyone has spirit guides.

Connecting with Spirit Guides [00:10:01] Linda explains how to uncover and listen to the wisdom of spirit guides, emphasizing the importance of understanding oneself first.

Guided Journey [00:11:22] Linda introduces her self-directed counseling service, Guided Journey, which helps people connect with their spirit guides through channeled information and insights.

Accessibility of Spirituality [00:14:00] Linda and John discuss how spirituality and guidance from spirit guides are accessible to everyone, regardless of status or wealth, and how programming and fear can make people feel otherwise.

Discerning Ego from Guidance [00:17:09] Linda explains how to differentiate between guidance from spirit guides and the ego, emphasizing that the ego tells people what they want to hear, while spirit guides tell the truth. They also discuss the distractions of modern life and the importance of focusing inward.

Connecting with Spirit Guides [00:18:44] Linda explains her method of connecting with spirit guides through meditation and journaling.

Addiction to Stress [00:19:54] The speakers discuss how stress has become an addiction and how it affects our productivity and mental health.

Contemplating Consciousness [00:21:00] Linda emphasizes the importance of dedicating 15 minutes every day to contemplate consciousness through journaling and reviewing patterns.

Truth and Love [00:24:16] Linda shares the insight from her spirit guides that truth and love are the same thing and that accessing the heart energy is key to finding one's purpose.

Bringing Two Worlds Together [00:25:42] Linda explains how bringing together the world we came from and the world we live in can help us find our purpose and become a free spirit.
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