Andrew Bridgen MP | Daring to Speak out

1 year ago

RAISING THE BAR | Andrew Bridgen MP | Daring to Speak out

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Andrew Bridgen MP, in Westminster. Andrew famously spoke out about the harms of the C19 shots, in Parliament and revealed the excess deaths it has caused, which he backed up with irrefutable scientific data. As a result, Andrew lost the party whip and was smeared with all sorts of cheap names by those desperately protecting big pharma interest, like Matt Hancock. I go on to ask Andrew why he's addressing this now, when we were being blackmailed, coerced and made into 2nd class citizens, if we did not take the shots two years ago. Given the criminal history of Pfizer and co and the fact these shots were always experimental and based on gene-therapy, not immunisation, why is Andrew the only man with a backbone to speak out about this now?

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