Mr Andrew Bridgen MP

11 months ago

Mr Andrew Bridgen MP
Dr. John Campbell
Published on Apr 29, 2023

Mr Andrew Bridgen M.P. (NW Leicestershire)

Direct link to Mr. Bridgen’s YT channel

Please trace the development of your thinking over the past few years of the pandemic, and the government’s response.

Have your statements on vaccine dangers in the commons been based on evidence?

Do you feel your parliamentary interventions have moderated the government imposition of covid vaccinations on healthy people?

We have seen you express your evidence-based concerns to an empty chamber, was there a deliberate ‘walk out’ strategy in place as it appeared?

How are the covid vaccines paid for, is this added to national debt?

Are health related topics openly discussed in parliament, with free speech, or is there a covert agenda?

Is there an influence of corporate interests in parliament?

So, I saw a video of Matt Handcock offering his services to corporate interests for £10,000 per day. Is this allowed under parliamentary rules?


‘The Conservative Party has expelled MP Andrew Bridgen after he compared Covid-19 vaccines to the Holocaust (26 April, 2023)’

Direct link to Professor Fenton’s channel

Direct link to video used in the interview

Pointing out you did not ‘compare’

In my view your interventions have saved lives, yet you have lost your party membership, any regrets?

The future

Government has signed a deal with Moderna to produce 250 million doses of mRNA vaccines a year.

Why was this passed when there is a total lack of evidence of efficacy? And do you have any concerns about this movement (given that similar plants are in the pipeline of Canada, US and Australia).

Are you concerned about the new WHO treaty to impose binding legal obligations in the UK?

We shout loud about democracy in the UK, but this is only mediated through the almighty party system, so what next for Mr. Bridgen?

UK vaccination, adverse reactions
Dr. John Campbell
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