Kevin McCarthy: Let's Build in America!

1 year ago

It takes too long to build in America.

90 years ago, American workers built the Empire State Building in about 400 days.

Think we could do it that fast today?

One of the reasons we can’t is because of overregulation from government bureaucrats.

Pretty much every time we build something in this country--a road, a pipeline, a power line--it gets held up for an average of 5 years.


So bureaucrats in Washington can write 600 pages of Environmental Impact Statements and leave projects vulnerable to endless lawsuits.

It's costly, it's not based on sound science, and Democrats and Republicans can all agree it's holding us back.

Fortunately, there’s a common sense solution: permitting reform, which Republicans have included in H.R. 1 - the Lower Energy Costs Act.

And it will speed up the time it takes for us to build all kinds of things in America.

Learn more at

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