AI Surveilance (France)

1 year ago

On Thursday the parliament approved a plan to use automated behavioral surveillance of public spaces during the games, ignoring objections from around 40 MPs who had penned an open letter denouncing the proposal.

See how it doesn’t matter if your MP’s vote or not because they are going to do what ever they want anyway. The political system is a sham! It’s a illusion! Wake up!

While the entire population of France is busy fighting back for what’s rightfully theirs this happened.. notice how the man says this program will continue until 2025. But we all know that’s a lie. Once something like this is in place there’s no way they will take it down. They just give you the illusion that’s it’s only for a certain amount of time. Kinda like “we need 14 days to curb the spread the fake V”.

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