Jesus Christ Our Shining Light | Song - Jesus Speaks

1 year ago

Animated Jesus Speaks powerful scriptures for: meditation, prayer, sleep, study, building your faith, prayer walks, alone time with God, worship, and so much more.

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with all my heart,
in Christ,
CS (Multimedia Producer of Jesus Speaks)


#animatedjesus #hisword #jesusspeaks
encouraging scriptures, healing words, prayer, meditate to his word, helpful scriptures, healing scriptures, healing bible verses, healing bible scriptures, healing bible meditation, bible verses for sleep, scriptures for sleeping, scripture meditation, scriptures for sleep, Christian meditation, disciple meditation, his word, promises of God, animated Jesus, Jesus speaks his word, Gods promises, animated bible verses, Jesus speaks in parables, time with holy spirit, time in his word, bible verses, bible scriptures, Christian, meditation, disciple of Christ, time with God, God's Word.

Intro Music by

Background Music by

90% of Images and video are from and (Royalty free images)

The other 10% of images and video are created by (Copyright images)

Pixabay License:
Pexels License:
Jesus Voice created with Speechelo:
This video was also partly created with Pictory:
This song was completely Ai generated:

He came to earth, a humble birth
In a manger, a Savior's worth
Born to bring us peace and light
Jesus Christ, our shining light

He is the way, the truth, the life
Our hope in darkness, our guiding light
He is the Son of God divine
Jesus Christ, our Savior divine

Verse 2:
He walked the earth, healing the sick
Raising the dead, performing miracles
Teaching us to love and forgive
Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace

He is the way, the truth, the life
Our hope in darkness, our guiding light
He is the Son of God divine
Jesus Christ, our Savior divine

Verse 3:
He suffered and died upon the cross
To save us from sin, to redeem the lost
But death could not hold him down
He rose again, with a glorious crown

He is the way, the truth, the life
Our hope in darkness, our guiding light
He is the Son of God divine
Jesus Christ, our Savior divine

Verse 4:
He's coming back, in glory and might
To judge the world, to make all things right
We'll join him in heaven, forevermore
Jesus Christ, our Lord and King evermore

He is the way, the truth, the life
Our hope in darkness, our guiding light
He is the Son of God divine
Jesus Christ, our Savior divine.

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