woe was me for a long ass time

1 year ago

on my way to pegram (small ass town north of nashville) to bury arlo
we loved papi, such a good dude
scrabble is usually a good thing
we're all winners here
two examples of pieces of shit
i was never that cyclist, okay
special cyclist clothing is so gay
so pissed off right now, i'm internalizing it *per usual
it woulda been a really nice journey...
annoyance all the way around
this mf has gotta be a slowpoke the majority of this road
a lotta dead animals in that backyard
glad i waited this out and found a good home for his remains instead of getting impulsive
called judson the night arlo died and he talked me outta doin anything impulsive...thank you fren
i never had a grandfather so i bonded with kim's and he also let me stay in his house
it's always a weird experience being an orphan...it took a long time for be to be grateful for this
go you for not getting aborted *that sarcasm was so on point
it still feels a lot like rejection hahaha
i dunno any adopted kid who ever feels right about their existence
we have always been super aware of how bad this world is
my parents just dunno how bad the world is, God bless em
old skool gas station ain't it beautiful
totalled a white grand prix by taking a left hand turn too quick on this road (only got clipped)
yes that was it haha we knew that would happen
beautiful foliage over there too
i was mad at them for trying to do sumin for me (also i am very paranoid)
this is the kinda town that they try to take out
community poses the biggest threat to what they are attempting
this didn't take anywhere near as long as i thought
don't make that same mistake a third time *even tho they say it's the charm
such a quaint little town, so adorable
why do the elite feel threatened by this exactly
first state road on the right
technology is here to destroy the natural
sad that people don't wanna preserve anything that they claim they love n cherish
that wasn't kimberly's friend, i dunno who the fuck that was but we'll check back vortex

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