Kevin Killough on energy: “Our policies are being set by very unserious people” | Tom Nelson Pod #87

1 year ago

Kevin Killough is the state energy reporter for Cowboy State Daily, based in Cheyenne, Wyoming. He covers energy technology, energy economics and climate change issues from a pro-civilization, pro-human perspective. He has over a decade of experience in reporting. Kevin first got into energy reporting as a community journalist in the heart of the Bakken during the height of North Dakota’s oil boom.
Kevin attended the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and completed his graduate studies at the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada.
Kevin’s Cowboy State Daily articles:
Climate Imperative:
Tom Nelson's Twitter:
About Tom:
Notes for climate skeptics:
ClimateGate emails:
00:00 Introduction
01:32 Ignorance of fractivists
03:17 Being a real energy reporter
04:50 Why do electricity prices rise when we add wind and solar?
06:33 10 articles per week
07:18 Kevin's process
08:02 On Fox Business
11:19 Tonya Harding case against fossil fuels
13:47 How much avoided global warming do we get?
14:38 Smearing Alex Epstein
16:27 Levelized cost of energy is a terrible measurement of the actual cost..
18:30 On objectivity
21:52 On the Cowboy State Daily
23:30 Robert Bryce
24:02 NGO funding
26:51 Why don't hydrocarbon companies push back against the climate scam?
28:31 A ski industry without petroleum products?
29:30 Farming without hydrocarbon fuels?
30:51 Profiting off of stupidity
33:30 Wind power accounting tricks?
34:54 Gates putting gas masks on cows
36:58 What if we didn't have enough energy?
38:13 Where the green energy joke ends

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