Daily Chess play - 1287 - Should have moved the King to guard the pawn in end game of Game 1

1 year ago

First game, Even game until I pinned his Rook on e7 and traded it for my Bishop, move 41. I make a dumb mistake with moving my pawn so quickly without my King being closer but I was down on clock. Game was a draw as time ran out.

Second game, Opponent didn't see checkmate on move 16.

Third game, My mouse somehow slipped short of taking his Bishop on b4 so I lose my Bishop for free on move 15. Thankfully, opponent blundered his Queen when I check his King on h1 and take his Queen on f4, move 24. I start gobbling up pieces after that and he resigns soon after.

Easier games but I feel like I am going to make a mistake at any moment. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #endlessgaming #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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