27Mar23 China's Chess Moves Ending Petrodollar; When Tragedy Happens

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Writer says "Americans won’t forget what their government did to them during the pandemic" — no, this weekend shows they've already forgotten what was done and who did it to them and they don't realize the government's usurped foundation is still there 2:08

China is very cleverly subverting the petrodollar with brokered peace agreements in the Middle East. Here's how… 14:11

More show hearings by Congress, this time complaining to the Federal Reserve about a heightened regulatory regime strangling crypto & small banks. Do they not know THAT is the design? Will they do ANYTHING to reign in the Fed Reserve? 47:17

Nigerian CBDC experiment goes bad:
political party calls for nationwide strike and picketing of the central bank
The country's supreme court rules CBDC is unconstitutional, but President ignores
Leading media organization calls for ARREST of the Head of the Central Bank

Now that several Republicans have come out against CBDC (and NO Democrats), will it be a political issue? Will it actually boost acceptance of CBDC by half the country because of partisan hatred? 59:51

Biden's Dept of Energy says its disinfo that they want to ban gas stoves — only 96%, and the most expensive, would be banned. And they're coming for Air Conditioning, too. And moving the "Net Zero" date up on everything 1:17:29

The fallacies of wind power and the war on power. 1:21:28

World’s top climate scientists issue dire prophecies of doom & a ‘survival guide for humanity’ — AGAIN. 1:33:18

China's Campaign to Eliminate Religion — in Kindergarten Good thing America's "nothing like China". Or is it? 1:51:35

The tornado this weekend and the meteorologists prayer raise the atheist objection: "Why do bad things happen to good people?" — continued with our guest Dr. Pesta 2:02:37

INTERVIEW Taking Back Your Children & The Future. We know the problems with schools. Here's some practical solutions from Dr. Duke Pesta, Exec Director of Freedom Project Academy, FPEUSA.org Dr. Pesta talks about on the many choices we have in educating our children at The Freedom Project Academy from full program to a la carte assistance in a single area whether its a subject that's a problem area for the student, an area for enrichment, or something the parents don't feel they have expertise or interest in teaching. 2:06:36

Dr. Pesta begins by talking about the question about "why bad things happen to good people" 2:07:27

From Common Core to Critical Race Theory. How did this happen to schools? 2:13:08
What’s involved in classical education? 2:30:37

What are some of the classes you have in your school? 2:41:36

What is the best definition of classical education? 2:45:05

Final comment on what we can learn from the tornado this weekend 2:56:30

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