24Mar23 Coming Soon: $5 TRILLION NEW TAXES, Banking Collapse, War

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

France is on fire.  Macron was allowed to act as a dictator with "covid" and now he continues with something they care about — pensions. 3:17
Article V Constitutional Convention pushed again.  The problem isn't the Constitution but the politicians — and THEY would be changing the Constitution 7:43
Biden judicial nominee is clueless about basic legal precedent commonly used as plot device and in the news this week regarding J6.  But he IS the correct color 21:47
Sports Betting: Should We Set Up Casinos for K-12? With sports gambling exploding, gambling is becoming a huge issue for young adults.  So should we start teaching gambling to kids from kindergarten?  Everyone's favorite tranny-bureaucrat said a couple of years ago he's glad he waited until after he had kids.  But now he's pushing mutilation and sterilization on kids as soon as they start school 23:48
How did we get to this point of insanity? By pretending that there's such a thing as "Children’s Rights".  There's no such thing 31:12
"Tranq": Flesh-Eating Zombie Drug - Latest Fail of Drug War The drugs and the police state just keep getting worse 32:43
Professor Mikko Panio, Finnish epidemiologist on the occult religion and bizarre fantasies of the global elite with whom he has worked 38:18
The "Core Value" of American Government: NOT Liberty But LGBT
Disney, Apple, Pfizer, Apple, and the CIA are pushing this agenda.  National Security Council bullies Uganda and other African nations over LGBT 1:02:47
Secretary of State Blinken: “I pressed the Saudis on LGBT issues and every conversation, and every conversation, maybe that’s why 1:10:11
A Florida Democrat has claimed the US is erasing our trans babies and want to commit genocide. 1:16:41
Origins of the ATF.  Sheila Jackson is kinda right about it being around since 1888.  She's totally wrong in her praise. 1:21:48
Lula the communist is trying to pull back guns in Brazil after gun ownership doubled under Bolsonaro.  As any communist knows, "power comes out of the barrel of a gun" and the slaves can't have them. 1:28:23
Yellen casually admits — $4.7 TRILLION in TAX INCREASE is coming 1:32:35
Cashless society is marching on at Panera Bread with biometric palm reader by Amazon 1:42:56
What’s going on with the Trump Manhattan Melodrama. 1:49:44
"To Whom It May Concern", Trump shares a letter from Stormy Daniels in 2018 denying an affair.  Did he get his money's worth? 1:55:06
INTERVIEW Economic Unraveling Accelerating Desc: Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.com, called this months ago when he said it was going to be Economic "March Madness" .  It's worse than they're saying and here's what's coming shortly. 
And, war escalates in Europe, NATO doesn't even pretend to want peace, and with American personnel just killed in Syria — WHY were they there? 2:02:44

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