i am incomplete

1 year ago

#poetry #asd #autism #iamincomplete #johndoylepoems #asperger #neurodivergent

I am Incomplete

I am Incomplete
Where are my missing parts
Why was I born this way
Always dreaming to be normal
To be like you.

From the earliest memories
Of darkness,
I remember the lonely nights
The rain on the outside of the window
Steamed up, as I watched the world,
The comings and goings of everyone else.

The longing of friendship and love
Praying to the dawn rising clouds
Waiting for the moment,
Whether it would ever come.

I remember the long paved walks
To escape people and reality
To hide aways from the world
Under the covers till days passed.

I am Incomplete,
But now I have found you,
I am complete,
You fill in the blanks, the missing parts
But I fear the day,
When you shall no longer be there,
And I again shall be incomplete
Paining for the time
When I was whole.

Written 01/03/23

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