Inner Earth Civilization El Dorado, ET Encounters - Rainetta Jones & TSP

1 year ago

My name is Rainetta Jones, I was born in Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago. I came to the

United States at the age of 14 with my family. I attended Martin Luther King Jr. HS in Manhattan

NYC. I would like to note that I do not have any memories of High School Lunch Break for three

years. I graduated at 17 years of age and attended University of Buffalo. My tenure at UB was

short lived due to serious neurological anomalies which I later learned was “Brain Scrambling

Technologies. While at UB I wanted to pursue a degree in Micro and Molecular Biology;

however, that didn’t pan out. After Buffalo, I attended Sheffield University in England as a study

abroad student. Upon returning to the US, I took time off to Invent, Model, and Dance. In 2000 I

had a meeting with a “friend” about my two inventions, the iPod and Kindle and also a novel

conceptual hosiery design. All of which were stolen. Later on I learned he had connections to

Steve Jobs and was invited by him to the launch of iTunes in Cupertino California. After that

meeting I was followed by a Russian Jew who befriended me. He invited me to go to England a

couple of days after September 11th, 2001. It wasn’t until 2016, I was told that both David and

Yuri were Mossad agents and that they had to get me out of the US for the launch of the iPod. I

later became a Certified Administrative Professional and worked at the United Nations and

several other Government agencies in NYC. In 2019 I graduated from Empire State College in

Business Administration. I have no memories of a Secret Space Program however, I do know

that my life has been filled with extraterrestrial experiences. After graduation I created the Micro-

Business Model using business concepts on a micro-scale for those who would like to start a

business with very little money. Today I do spiritual consultations and teach online classes once

a month. My website is

Some of my inventions:


Water Project

Dance, Fitness, Health and Wellness Program


Mobile Business

Double Decker Auto

Eyes for the Blind, Walking Stick

Interactive Television

Being told me not to have children between 10-14

Missing Time When I was 13 in TT

Missing Time when I was 15 in NYC

Man on Train touched me 15

Followed by Blonde blue eyed man when I was 17 on bus

German man knew who i was 19

Went to David Chesky 20

Followed by Russian Special Ops 20 and 21

Went to England when Ipod was launched

Dream of Queen of the Sea 21

Woke up in Hospital in a pool of blood 23

Went to Rochester but only remember going underground and then down hall. Nothing else 23

Stood in front of Draco when I was 26

Had a sword battle with a 10ft giant when I was 28

Henry Kissinger came out of nowhere near lawn near boathouse guarded by 4 tall blacks


Was suspended in stasis by short King at UN headquarters when I was 30 or 31

Saw 3 tall black aliens (Saturnalians) with laser weapons in Laventille Trinidad 36

Alien Fleet met me on lake in 2020 Fayetteville NC at 40

Big Foot was hiding in the bushes communicated with me with cold taps

Quantum Jumped to West Virginia from Virginia in under 5 minutes

Met 3 6ft’ 6in tall whites in Central Park 37

Went to get tech shut off Entire grid for Phoenix shutdown 9944 houses and 13 power outages

September 13 2 meteorites hit Utah

Chased in the Nevada desert by 2 crazy Jesuits

Recorded a cloud being when growls turned up on my video recording

Alien in stomach could not be killed with 30,000MHz needed over 3 million MHz to kill

Technology hooked up to ancient satellite and black cube

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