Live Special 2024 -07- A Special Kind of UFO & Paranormal Show -Come join + Alien visit cases cont.

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Todays Openlines Topics.. Aliens - Any Proof
by others or similar to Pauls accounts w/evidence Continued +
Public cases and Stories we can find on the net as open lines
so many too scared to tell their story so we have backup content
to fill in.
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
are working ok before continuing and set up Jitsi voice meet
[00:12:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - Resume Alien Abduction accounts
from where left off last time!
[00:12:40] (2b) Do you suffer pain when Hallucinating.. Prove its real
not imaginary?
[00:24:00] (2c) crazy and made-up accounts hurt the UFO field
[00:29:00] (2d) Terry Lovelace and triangle craft at Devils Den
why Paul changed his mind on it being legit , although
still suspect on having cameras but not one photo of it?
[00:42:00] (2e) Paul swears Earl from MUFON soCal covered this
one on a live show years ago. Looks it up and laughs
at a case the Hub drawing ex-Wife as a Witch.
[00:48:00] OBS crashed but came back in minutes
[01:05:00] (2f) you are rarely pain free waking up in the
mornings when youre 50+ and dreams meaning
[01:17:00] (3) Could implanting false memories and vision
be disinfo, psyop cover up or a way for aliens to
make the people sound nut jobs if they speak about
what happened? or all ABOVE!
[01:18:30] (4) Abductee Researchers who believe in
Hubrids and alien hybrids and integration
[01:19:24] (5) John Mack small interview on his research
and what he believed is read out by computer for Paul
[01:44:00] (6) WHO are E.R.T. experiencer research Team
a separate Part of MUFON and can we find the monthly stats?
[02:17:00] (7) What is different about David Jacobs vs Mack
[02:19:00] (8) Why cant Paul find references to the TERM HUMBRIDS
well seems google checker for typos could tell us its spelt without
the "M"
[02:37:00] (9) Resume more stories.. A strange man (MIB) with bright
blue eyes?
[02:49:00] (10) Paul looks up Door heights to compare height
of aliens in stories
[02:5600] (11) Paranormal and Alien connection
[03:06:00] (12) Resume looking at Alien images from contactees
[03:24:00] (13) Readout by PC - Linda Napilotino (Cortile) case with Jacobs about multiple witnesses but Paul recalls theres problems with this case like embellishment as Robert covered it in his 100 @UFOTV UFO cases with Robert Series.
[03:35:00] (14) Linda Cahill case

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

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*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
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ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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