102.5 Kgs x 8 Bench Press. NEW REP PR!

1 year ago

Man, I felt totally drained and weak, today. My last workset before this felt pretty weak; and my left shoulder even felt achy during it, which is the first time in quite a while. So needless to say, I was expecting this top set to be a total bomb. However, I just buckled down, and decided to do what I could, and I kind of just got in a zen trance while lifting, and before I knew it, I had hit 8 reps, hahaha; which I do believe is three whole reps more than my previous best. So this is really, really encouraging. I bet if I was feeling on my A game, I may have been able to hit this for 10 reps; or at the very least been able to squeeze out one more. So 2 plates/100 kgs for 10 reps is DEFINITELY THERE, BOYZ! I just got to hit it; and on a day where I feel half decent, lol 🤘🏻

Song: "Isolated Magick" - Vital Remains

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