Karate | Okinawan karate | uke waza | singular strike take over drill

1 year ago

A basic takeover drill that is practised as a kumite form within the MMF training. It consists of a single predetermined attack answered with a single predetermined defense technique, after which the defender (uke) takes over the role of attacker (semete) and the attacker takes over the role of the defender. In this short video example you can see three separate basic acquisitions that ultimately merge less predictably. The way of these types of exercises is done in a more natural way of moving without fixing and locking the body movement.

Performer: Lex Opdam with one of his students
Origins: Derived from Okinawan martial arts / Koryu Uchinadi
Video was taken in Nijmegen, Netherlands, mei 2016.

While these short video examples are freely accessible, they are intended for Martial Mindfulness practitioners. The context of the content is covered during the lessons and the examples shown are to support home training.

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