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Six Pilots in 2 Weeks

1 year ago

6 pilots have been incapacitated while at the controls in the last 2 wees. How long till a terrible air disaster happens in America? It has already happened in another country. We know every commercial pilot who kept their job took the shot. It is time to force the FAA to admit the disaster waiting to happen which they have ensured with their EVIL CLOT SHOT MANDATES FOR PILOTS PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO FAR AND WIDE I FEEL A BIG AIR DISASTER COMING AND IT DOES NOT TAKE A PSYCHIC TO PREDICT IT and people who fly need to know the risk of boarding a plane please help me get this information out.


  • 0/2000
  • I’ve only been on a plane once . My mistrust in mankind has a big part in that . There are so many variables and circumstances where mishaps can occur . Now with the added risks I doubt I’ll ever leave the ground again . There is one exception though , flying to the place where the trials and executions of those responsible for the murder of my fellow citizens . If they think they are untouchable they are in for a big surprise ! Karma also has a place for these psychopaths .

  • The wheat and the tears

  • Here’s an example of instant Karma , https://rumble.com/v2ekl66-i-love-a-happy-ending.html

  • Had one last week in Australia, Virgin Australia copilot had a ‘medical emergency’ forcing the plane back after 90 mins in flight. Did not make it into the mainstream media.

  • My husband was a pilot 30+ years for Continental and then United after the merger. He was forced retired when he wouldnt take the jab. He wasnt ready for retirement but when it came time to make the decision there was NO question. He wasnt taking that jab and I am so thankful he didnt!!! Most of our family members all took it; its the white elephant in the room nobody wants to discuss!

  • I’ve been flying for 60 years but never again.