RAW: Praying for Armageddon!?! and AMERICA JUDGED!

1 year ago

Tonight on Clark Clips RAW, we're gonna have a little FuN and explore a news article about a documentary called, "Praying for Armageddon," which deceitfully attacks True Christians by playing on the multitude of hypocritical beliefs and false non-Scriptural eschatology of today's watered down, lukewarm Churchianity. To combat these attacks, we'll be diving into some powerful (often misinterpreted) Scriptures. During that process, we'll be definitively answering the question, "Has America been judged already?"

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Here is the link to download the "Navigator's Bible Reading Plan" that we will be using on @JesusPPK to "Let's READ The BIBLE in 90 Days!"


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