Why the Weird Advanced Combat Rifle Failed to replace M16

3 years ago

The US Army tried to replace the M16 in the 1980s with the Advanced Combat Rifle Program. 4 major weapons companies competed to replace the M16 and they had all kind of strange weird ideas like the flachette dart needle type ammo. They ran top mounted magazines on the G11. H^K, AAI, Colt and Steyr were all uniquely weird in their own way.

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Written & Edited by: Chris Cappy
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They needed to improve hit probability by 100% over the M16. So we saw duplex ammo tossed in there. The program cost 300$ million bucks for the Depart of Defense and the pentagon. It wasn't a complete failure though. Some of these ideas live on in the 6.8mm Next Generation Squad Weapon program today.

The reason the AAI was developed to only feel recoil after the third shot explains the entire original plan behind the ACR. Their original plan was based on data that said a soldier under stress will hit a 300 meter target only 10% of the time. The solution to that plan was salvo fire. The idea was a burst of rounds would make up for pin point accuracy. This turned out to be false and it only cost us 300 million dollars to confirm it and that’s 1980’s dollars. You know how many pogs you could by with that?


Inquires: capelluto@taskandpurpose.com



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