Interview 428 with Illia (Light) Heart

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Illia (Light) is a modern pioneer in the field of wholistic health and consciousness.
Her education has been 4 fold.
1. Ayurveda/ Yogic Science 2. Traditional teachings/Plant medicine of Turtle Island.
3. Body Electronics- The Evolution of Consciousness 4. Spiritual Physics
She has been actively teaching and in private practice for more than 3 decades. Illia has had many remarkable teachers and mentors. The following are some of the people who generously gave of their wisdom, that now is being carried through Illia.
She spent 24 years under the guidance, wing and prayer of an Ojibwe elder who greatly influenced Illia. He passed over in July, 2021. His name was Blue Wolf.
Illia participated in a Kriya Yoga community from 1988- 1997, with Mahavatar Babaji as the SatGuru. During that time she earned a degree in Ayurveda; Upa Vaidya (Ayurvedic Therapist), with clinical practice in Pancha Karm (5 Purifications).
Illia travelled and studied with Drunvalo Melchizedek for 10 years. Drunvalo certified her as a teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart in 2011.
“As human beings we have a tremendous responsibility to release anything less than love and live a gentle life on planet Earth. It is then we live in freedom as a global community, interdependent with the Earth/Cosmos. As we accept personal responsibility, we are given more and more opportunities to learn and grow. From this we share and the Circle expands.
“The following are some of my teachers that are in the public eye. There are Elders who choose to remain behind the scenes yet are extremely influential in my work.
My maternal Grandmother was my first teacher of wholistic health and conscious awareness. Her name was Velma- she showed me what unconditional love feels like. She was the family healer, sharing her knowledge and application of plants combined with a profound spiritual connection, facilitated healing.

Illia Heart

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