Occasional Levity LIVE: Trump Indictment? | Biden Issues First Veto | Fiery Riots in France

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! We'll cover the news of Trump's potential indictment, Biden's first veto, and the riots erupting in France.

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Trying out posting the live chat in the description as a way to save it, lol.

TehLordColey*Walks in. Sits.*

h8yourst8they will be fashionably late... like a trump arrest

jbsxtrump arrest fail. They turned it over to the special counsel guy to try and get him on classified docs at mara lago

AlexofAllTradesis that the latest news?

h8yourst8oh, that is so last year

jbsxwell, they got the obama judges telling his atty he must testify to the grand jury in the classified docs thing, which will probably be thrown out on higher appeal

jbsxatty client privledge and such

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserThe show starts at 9:30 now? What is that, a metric 9 PM?

jbsxand the NY da is runnin for cover since he might very well end up disbarred

AlexofAllTradesAs I'll say to Bev on show, Bragg should have been disbarred upon bringing charges against Jose Alba.

jbsxits the game they want to play. bring charges, perp walk, never go to trial. Backfired on em. Trump said he was going to insist on being handcuffed

h8yourst8i always just assume nothing will happen to anyone who deserves it

jbsxdid ya all hear about the BLACK spring break down in Miami?

h8yourst8i heard they declared state of emergency

jbsxOne headline said ...violence at the Black spring break. I mean, it was mostly black people but why not just spring break?

AlexofAllTradesLast I heard btw, Alba said he wanted to go back to the Dominican Republic. Apparently NYC soured him on the whole of the US.

jbsxNYC sours allot of people on NYC

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserDeep thought: Are Jessica Alba and Idris Alba related?


RonGreen1Alvin Bragg DA (Dumb A$$) His mom was a water buffalo.

jbsxIf John Handy married a girl named Mandy, would she take his name?

RonGreen1I knew a lady named Sherry who married John Barry. She refused to take his name.

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserWhy the heck did Philip Phillips' parents name him that? It's not like they didn't have a choice.

h8yourst8i knew a girl named BJ Best

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserAnd, "Philip" is typically spelled different if it is a first name or last name. TIL.

RonGreen1I once knew a girl named Candy Cain.

AlexofAllTradesWhat about Englebert Humperdink?

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserWent to school with two twin girls who were born on Christmas Eve (or maybe Christmas, I forget). They were named Holly and Merry.

jbsxthat was his stage name, wasn't it?

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserWe do not speak of Englebert Humperdink here. That is the name that must not be spoken.

MudderFetcherOscar will end-up with a million nicknames so prob just keep his name

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserThat was a drive-by kittening.

MudderFetcherthe guy I know who runs a shelter said any cat over 2 years is difficult to adopt out
Qriisthurray for cat masses!

wesley1924Julia hates me

MudderFetcherI didn't realize he was 10...you can't just rename a 10 year-old chonk

RonGreen1Putting the cat in the dishwasher works too.
Why did you cancel Jules?
QriistBeverly forgot about being a mom.

MudderFetcherNow I'm concerned about this random college baby

JQuickDrawCat talk, this is like an old school public access talk show from the late 80s.

jbsxdo they have them in the dorm vending machines?

MudderFetcherit's part of hazing now = raise this for 18 years
WinkyWankyWooSupporterAlex said I am a BIG ONE...night complete

MudderFetcherok Erly


RonGreen1Jules is currently 20,000 leagues under the sea.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterIt's Bev or Smegerly, you choose!

JQuickDrawA Jules Verne reference, nice

h8yourst8remove his bar

jbsxwood chipper is longer than disbarred
QriistBev's really stretching for some kind of sentence length suspension

JQuickDrawBeverly, they were able to type out "disbarred" because they saved energy not typing "erly." It's just how this works.

AlexofAllTradesI'll now refer to her as Swarley in chat.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterMysterymeatery, her full name

jbsxi thought it was tash
WinkyWankyWooSupporterSMEG ER LY
WinkyWankyWooSupporterlook up what smeg is, bev.

MudderFetcherI'm for any and all Red Dwarf references
WinkyWankyWooSupporterred dwarf is brill
WinkyWankyWooSupporterdo brothels open that early?

MudderFetcheris it an all grandma brothel?

MudderFetchermy wife and I both have to look under our glasses to read our phones...welcome to 40+
Qriistsame, super blind
Qriistman that conversation zagged
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI have reading glasses, and mid range computer screen glasses
WinkyWankyWooSupporter40+ is so much fun lol

MudderFetcherthis turned into another Alex's hot dentist story lol

RonGreen1The walls are closing in.🤣

MudderFetcher2 more weeks!
WinkyWankyWooSupporterBORING trump stuff
WinkyWankyWooSupporterGHAS ZE JHEWS

MudderFetcherit's not like Soros helped the nazis as a child...no wait

MudderFetcheras someone with a Gab....they are indeed pretty open about it lmfao
WinkyWankyWooSupporterthey cry I am a jew, I shrug and say I don't care




TehLordColeyA lot of people really bought into negetive Eugenics.

WinkyWankyWooSupporterIsn't abortion a form of eugenics?


MedTheSimpleThinkerEugenics is bloodless genocide

TehLordColeyCulling is a part of goal oriented breeding. Negative (Or, I like to say Subtractive) Eugenics utilizes culling of humans.

MudderFetcherMargaret Sanger is someone often point to as a eugenicist
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI support abortion, am I a eugenicistist type?

RedPillAndGrillTrump was right follow me

JQuickDrawEveryone engages in discrimination and eugenics when they marry and have kids. You discriminate against everyone you didn't choose, and you pick someone who has qualities you desire.
Alex has no phil o bean tubes

MudderFetcher"I'm Not Genocide-ing Anyone" - the Alex Miceli Story
Qriistthat face was gif-worthy
QriistDC crime stats say hello

h8yourst8he's jew-ish

MedTheSimpleThinkerEven if he's a practicing Jew, this won't protect him from condemnation
QriistNeed a new Lord of the Rings reboot, this time featuring the Eye of Soros.

MedTheSimpleThinkerMore Duh!


JQuickDrawThe general plan of the uni-party is to render the population as helpless as possible, so they need (and want) the government to step in. UBI, freeing criminals, gun control, all support the same plan
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI cant breathe

Guyinroom83so, charging him for what every other politician does too, got it

MudderFetcherthe person running can finance their own campaign without limit
QriistTrump's totem is yuuuuge

RonGreen1Politicians usually 'loan' money to their campaign.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterjew york
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI'm scottish and I know this

jbsxthey'll learn soon...and than flee like they are from cali. Just dont come to my state you stupid MFers

Guyinroom83the DOJ: "sorry.. this charge against Trump is just... too like, gay"
frank304lesbian haircut
WinkyWankyWooSupporterTrumps mother is scottish....we all crazy
WinkyWankyWooSupporterIf I was the white guy in a box of blacks, I'd want voted out

JQuickDrawTrump: "They were just afraid I would be the best prisoner. I know ex-cons, many good people, and they tell me, Donnie, they say, you know, you would have been the greatest prisoner ever. The best!"

MudderFetcherSupporter level is new as of today

AlexofAllTradesI'm super straight, @frank304
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI am spouting?
frank304yeah but is your hair?
WinkyWankyWooSupporterHer hair is perfect
Qriistmany fine presidents on both sides
WinkyWankyWooSupporterlike pubes?

MedTheSimpleThinkerA tomboy doesn't necessarily mean lesbian, you know! 😛

JQuickDrawSo Alex has a white afro? I need to see this lol.
frank304i'm just poking fun, don't cancel me
WinkyWankyWooSupporterAlex has lovely hair

WinkyWankyWooSupporterBev has really great hair too.

Guyinroom83@frank304 too late, cancelled

MudderFetcherESG/DEI bullshit
WinkyWankyWooSupporter@frank304 You a racist ow, harry

pbeavrHello Rumblers

MudderFetcherSVB did super well with that ESG stuff

Guyinroom83the company I work for ONLY does things according to ESG now. Everything is about DEI quota's, or the environment
WinkyWankyWooSupporterAlex is peaking the trusth here

h8yourst8a michael moore doc?

MudderFetcherErly is talking D&D = finish your drink
WinkyWankyWooSupporterSMERLY what choo talkin about?

Guyinroom83did anyone see that FTX had a quote that they purposely looked for "woke shit" (real quote) to invest in

MudderFetcherthe FTX people just wanted to expand their polycule

MudderFetcherthe House is trying to do 3(?) pages or less single issue stuff
WinkyWankyWooSupporteryou only have 2 parties, you will always be dominated by one

RonGreen1Because getting a max return on your investment is now racist


JQuickDrawtwatgoblins does not flow off the tongue as well

MudderFetcherI still have 'Cuntgoblin' as my Gab description lol
WinkyWankyWooSupporterso smeghead is sperm face

Guyinroom83lol, cuntgoblins sounds like something you'd need to get cleared up

MudderFetcheryou have to take only sips when Erly talks geese or you WILL die
WinkyWankyWooSupporterFarty riots erupt in your france

RonGreen1Those people in France know how to party.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterthey retire at 60?, it's like 66 for women and 67 for men here currently

MudderFetchercongrats to France for doing the real-life "This is fine" meme
WinkyWankyWooSupporteralex, they prefer the term black french

RonGreen1Make guillotines great again

MedTheSimpleThinkerIt's become a new normal there

WinkyWankyWooSupporterle fin

TehLordColeyIt's romantic.

JQuickDrawThis is like that creepy video with the porcelain doll at the dinner table singing "There is nothing" while a fire rages in the window behind her.

TehLordColeyEating by firelight.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterno bonne is good
Qriistfirey but peaceful escargo
WinkyWankyWooSupporterfrench have lowest retirement age in the world

jbsxours used to be 59

Guyinroom83did we just not care when they raised it here? or did they sneak it by and no one knew
WinkyWankyWooSupporterUK used to be women at 60, men at 65, we are past that now
WinkyWankyWooSupporterwtf is that

MudderFetcherthat's a big ass cat

jbsxmost people worked to 65 anyway and they phased it in so most people didnt really notice
QriistOscar the Couch

MudderFetchero7 Qriist
Qriisthey bud!

MudderFetcherhe's going for the gun!
WinkyWankyWooSupporterAlex, have you got red dye in your hair?

jbsxhow much they gonna charge you for that free cat?

MudderFetcher"Call me Oscar BEV!"

TehLordColey*sings* Oscar's got a gun. Everybody run~

Guyinroom83wtf. why is he greasy
WinkyWankyWooSupportercats gets dandruff from central heating

MudderFetcherwait a month or so and whichever human he likes best should attempt to give him a bath

Guyinroom83he's pissing alllll over those instruments
WinkyWankyWooSupporterHe so heavy bev farted picked him up
WinkyWankyWooSupporterIs alex saying news or nudes?
WinkyWankyWooSupporterso poo check marks get to post walls of text now?

Guyinroom83who is that libertarian girl. i looked her up once and she doesnt have a podcast or anything, just randomly is a guest? how is she so well known? (fed..?)

MudderFetcherthe death of the petrodaollar

Guyinroom83wow, crazy

MudderFetcherit's almost like stolen elections have consequences

MudderFetcherthe US has a shitload of oil...200+ years worth I think
frank304US is the largest oil producing nation

jbsxUh, where were you 3 years ago. Thats what we had
frank304it's just that OPEC nations influence oil prices greatly

AlexofAllTradesYeah, I know that @jbsx
WinkyWankyWooSupporterthe funding farters
frank304nationalism has become taboo

TehLordColeyUnification is the new colonialism :3

WinkyWankyWooSupporterthey were trying to escape from the shit that was english rule

Guyinroom83tim dillon had a podcast recently and said 'im deeply ashamed of my country now' really summed up how I feel
QriistThe intent was for each State to be seen on equal footing as England. The union was just a compact to bring the might capable of withstanding invaders.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterin the last 200 years, no country has joined england, but many hve left
frank304england has become a territory of India


MudderFetcherwhen they blink vertically = lizard person
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI hate that big eared street shitter in charge on england
WinkyWankyWooSupporterhe is sending tanks to ukraine, if russia nukes, I am 5 miles from the uk nuclear sub base

MudderFetcherTexas has a unique place where it could very much resist the fed but "Republicans" like Abbott will NEVER make it happen

RonGreen1Fire one million government leeches on day one.
frank304i'm a fan of term limits in congress

Guyinroom83trump university was worse than 9/11, pearl harbor, and the holocaust combined.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterObama was the king of drone strikes, he killed more civilians than any other us president
frank304we need a fresh batch of folks every 4 years in washington

MudderFetcherI don't want a Red State Divorce...I want a Red County Divorce
frank304in that case we'd need to dismantle the FED and IRS. i'm all for it

MudderFetcherat that point we might as well have a Convention of States

RonGreen1Make rope great again
Qriistidk, my political track record seems damn good
Qriistsome even say, FLAWLESS VICTORY
AHLex has no eggs

AlexofAllTradesI do too! They just don't drop.

MudderFetcherlatest Julia post: https://gab.com/TruthSeeker8487/posts/110069847665844189
WinkyWankyWooSupporter@alex lol
WinkyWankyWooSupporterbev squats on those eggs and heats them with her farts

RonGreen1The fed gov is like an overgrown lawn full of noxious weeds.

MudderFetchershe's trying to get out of DC damnit! lol

Guyinroom83talking to the food she's eating?

MudderFetcherusually out of her pocket or a trashcan

Guyinroom83lol, that's not the smartest evolutionary trait

RonGreen1I see people eating out of trash cans on a daily basis.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI used to raid a supermarkets bins

Guyinroom83ohh, like those ridiculous old yogurt or chocolate commercials. women orgasming

MudderFetcherAlex: "I'm allergic to floor food." Erly: "I'm not, pass it over."

Guyinroom83Beverly is patient zero for everything

MudderFetcherif/when Alex moves closer you guys are gonna have one hell of a Thanksgiving meal lmao
jwink80is beverly living in a 1980s music video
jwink80Cooter is a turtle

AlexofAllTradesOh, she plays those instraments.
QriistBeverly's talking about her groin on stream, we're slowly inching towards this being an OnlyFans video.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterwhat is a cooter?

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserThe Dim Side Guilded Group:

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium Userhttps://www.guilded.gg/i/ExPYm09E
jwink80Cooter is a turtle

Guyinroom83'coochie' is one of my favs

jwink80twat is a solid one

MudderFetcherflicking the bean
WinkyWankyWooSupporterbut fanny is slang for an ass in canada and america

MudderFetcherI'm gonna have to file for divorce after this I think lmfao
jwink80Slobber pocket = vagina

RonGreen1Cooter was a tow truck driver.

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserHam Sandwich.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterbald man rowing a boat
jwink80Cooter was a good man
jwink80Them damn duke boys
WinkyWankyWooSupporteraxe wound on a gorillas back

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserOnline Gamer Collective Guilded Group:

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium Userhttps://www.guilded.gg/i/k8bL4XBE
jwink80I miss furry beavers

Guyinroom83remember people used to say 'box' and 'snatch'
WinkyWankyWooSupporterwhen she is aroused, it really is like a wee bald man in a boat
frank304landing strip is good for me
jwink80i still say box

Guyinroom83oh right, beaver

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserWhy was "box" ever used for that purpose? I never understood the connotation.

MudderFetcherthis stream done fell apart

jwink80Bobs and vagene

JQuickDrawThe mommy hole, not a popular one
QriistJuliet is off tending to her slobber pocket.

MudderFetcher"Where is Julia" with a vaginore might be a step too far...I mean it'll sell lol

Guyinroom83the world wide web

JQuickDrawPhone book? What was her number? Bensonhurst 547?
jwink80you can dry clean your own clothes in the dryer with a kit you can purchase

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserJulia was last scene being escorted into a Turkish prison, yelling, "They haven't seen the last of me!"
WinkyWankyWooSupporterJules is serving us a double
WinkyWankyWooSupporterAlex moved into a condom?
WinkyWankyWooSupportercondo ffs

RonGreen1Having an ad in the yellow pages cost a small fortune back in the day.

Guyinroom83did you check the classifieds or your local library?
jwink80the library in my home town is a pick up and drop off for dry cleaning
jwink80aka very small town

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserPhone books were big revenue generators for everyone. However, they died along with landlines, and the prevalence of private cellphones.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterwhen I moved to Glasgow when I was 21, for college, I checked the classifieds for a place to live.

JQuickDrawI paid my town crier with an extra flagon of ale and he let all the maidens know I was available. Medieval Social Media (MSM) FTW!

Guyinroom83yeah.. i dont even look at my siblings online posts anymore. people are so different on social media
WinkyWankyWooSupporterlol J
jwink80the democrats are trying to get us all killed

TehLordColeyget that out of my system.

TehLordColeyoops, dingaling*
jwink80CNN the Kunt News network
jwink80Trumps policy was pretty solid and even handed
jwink80The sky is blue bc water reflects the blue spectrum of light

MudderFetchermy research concluded that I'm an asshole

MudderFetcherNextdoor is wild
jwink80All right by all God Bless you

JQuickDrawTrump evenhandedly didn't pardon Snowden or Assange, while evenhandedly pardoning Israeli handlers of convicted traitors.
jwink80ya think he might have been threatened ?



RedPillAndGrillFree trump follow for follow

MudderFetcherSnowden and Assange is a redline...kinda like Warp Speed

Guyinroom83cuntGobblR - new app idea?

JQuickDrawyou either believe we're past the point of no return or we're not. if we are, then it doesn't matter who sits in the office.
jwink80adam kinzinger is such a bitch

MudderFetcherAdam Kizinger does NOT have a seat
jwink80kissinger is a different war criminal
jwink80yes adam lost

MudderFetcherHAD one...still crying about it

RonGreen1Kinzinger did not run for reelection
jwink80They always fail up
WinkyWankyWooSupportershit flows upwards]

RonGreen1Liz Cheney is now a professor 🤣
jwink80I still like to play Cowboys and Elizabeth warrens

jwink80do they know shes got a perm
WinkyWankyWooSupporterher hairline is behind her head

RonGreen1Dolezal was the president of NAACP in Spokane, WA

MudderFetcherthe CROWN ACT...pretending you have "black" hair
jwink80she got a 6 head

WinkyWankyWooSupporterif men can identify as women, then I, as a white man, can identify as black

Guyinroom83does she have connections?

RonGreen1White men wear belts
jwink80Katie hobbs
jwink80is white
WinkyWankyWooSupporterwho would pretend to have black hair?

TehLordColeyGoth chicks.

Guyinroom83oh man. i hope she talks with a 'blaccent'

jwink80sever mental illness
WinkyWankyWooSupporterlol true goth chicks
jwink80This is why we must Repeal the 19th

RonGreen1Does she eat snakes?
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI should have specified black person hair instead of black coloured hair
jwink80her uncle def touched her

MudderFetcherHorus as in Egyptian methinks
jwink80the eye of horus

AnnaEmertAww glad I found ya'll.
jwink80is oscar a dog ?

JQuickDrawSeeing tiktoktumblerettes always reminds me of Reagan closing the asylums in the 80s. Thanks, Ronnie.
WinkyWankyWooSupporteroscar is a cat, thing

AnnaEmertHawk lady is a fraud, looks nothing like a Hawk.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterLadyHawke is brilliant
jwink80we should tar and feather her to look more bird like
jwink80they are circling YOU
jwink80Cool places in AZ ? wth are you talking about
Alex Blows Gophers

TehLordColey"You came outside, huh?" That's what 'she' said. xD
jwink80how dare you name a cat after my dog

RonGreen1In some places, garbage night is bear night. Don't leave that garage door open.
jwink80I lived in pheonix for yrs
jwink80yes shade matters in AZ
jwink80i did asphalt in AZ with the mexicans
WinkyWankyWooSupporterMERCH MERCH MERCH
WinkyWankyWooSupportergopher blowing

Guyinroom83i stayed in arizona for a few weeks years back. they had some law that buildings couldn't be built that high so they wouldn't obscure the sky, or something? the night sky viewing was great
WinkyWankyWooSupporterBev, that was the ginger, he blamed the bear
jwink80yep the mornings and evenings in the desert were beautiful
jwink80Furry beaver
jwink80dont forget that one

Ricky_MannerWhat's going on?
that is your leader LOL
jwink80Biden is suffering from Eschime strokes

Guyinroom83lol, the n word
jwink80its sad to watch

Guyinroom83the kamala letter to Dylan?
jwink80You know for a fact Biden has said the Nword a lot in his life

MudderFetcherthe US military is totally not full of myocardidits
jwink80Any bets whether Kamala sucked dylan off or not
jwink80His brain is not functioning
WinkyWankyWooSupporteroh god I hate that black bitch so much
jwink80Bidens walking gate shows the brain damage

RonGreen1Biden is like taking your great grandfather to a Chinese restaurant and having him order from the menu.


MudderFetcherI wouldn't even let her suck it
jwink80Kamala must give great head
WinkyWankyWooSupportershe is retarded and talks to people like they are children with baby words
jwink80just world class head

Guyinroom83you're mommy widdle boy aren't you yes you are
WinkyWankyWooSupporteroh lordy
jwink80She sucked her way to Vice president
jwink80thats just impressive

MudderFetcherI'd like to go to dinner...let's end Kamala

RonGreen1Kamel Hump stole Nancy's vodka bottle.
jwink80Kamala can suck the chrome off a ball hitch

jsonWheels up Harris
jwink80i see no other reason for kamala to be in any public office so i have to chalk it up to her sexual skills
jwink80Kamala the last great slave owner in America

JQuickDrawThey told Kamala she had to act retarded so people would think twice about taking out Biden.
jwink80well she has nailed that perfectly

Guyinroom83lol that's a good idea
jwink80this is why diversity hires are a very bad idea
WinkyWankyWooSupporterthey don't know their parts at all

MudderFetcherhey baby

Guyinroom83i assumed coley was a dude

Guyinroom83a real live woman?!?
jwink80Can you tell if shes a woman ?

jsonWnot possible - all women on the net are fake
jwink80how does she identify

TehLordColeyThere are no women on the internet.

MudderFetcherthe real women usually have the boobies
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI have a vagina, it's in a jar.

RonGreen1Are you a biologist?
jwink80Bobs and Vagenes
jwink80i did call my EX's vagene "my precious"

MudderFetcherI've had enough beers that I now also have the boobies!

Guyinroom83@TehLordColey he's called doomGUY for a reason
WinkyWankyWooSupporterit looks cool but smells a little of fish

JQuickDrawuh oh, maybe too many mentions of the "C" word.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterGIRL = Guy In Real Life

Guyinroom83i wonder if anyone calls their vagina 'Smaug"

TehLordColeylol @Guyinroom83


Guyinroom83🤢 🤢 🤢

TehLordColeyFor authentic fish smell

jwink80well there no way to get that smell off now

MudderFetchertalapia is there very most common fake vagina

Guyinroom83it's too on the nose

JQuickDrawlike Dr Moreau

Guyinroom83it's punching down to use that. the doctor is laughing to his friends after

TehLordColeyIs it only me, or is the stream freezing now?
jwink80thats actually true

MudderFetcherno idea who posted that...sounds like cyberpunk bullshit

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserIt's pretty on the nose, actually.

JQuickDrawyeah, I keep refreshing the page to start it again
WinkyWankyWooSupporterso if I got burns, I could get a girl to sit on my face and cure me?

JQuickDrawit sounds Lovecraftian
WinkyWankyWooSupporter*BU|RNS FACE*
jwink80so no that wont work
WinkyWankyWooSupportersit on my face and tell me that you love meeeeeee

MudderFetchertilapia is super farmed

JQuickDrawhmmm, I'm reminded of groupie stories at Zeppelin concerts...
jwink80But i always push for a good face sitting
jwink80dont do that

jwink80fish have backwards facing spines thats a terrible idea

h8yourst8gwar had a song called "fishfuck"

AlexofAllTradeshow many people can still hear us?
Rumble Premium User
Well, I mean, it IS Lent right now. Fish on Fridays.
WinkyWankyWooSupporterstream keeps cutting out suddenly

RonGreen1What do female to male transgenders use, fish sticks?

JQuickDrawI keep refreshing the page and restarting the stream, but it keeps freezing

Guyinroom83do it Beverly! Fish shoving is totally the next tik tok trend

JacaveNo sound, video froze.
jwink80Dont stink fish in your body its BAD
jwink80lolol stink

AlexofAllTradesYeah, we're wrapping up because Rumble gave me issues after the two hour mark on Monday.

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium UserSorry about that! We aren't saying anything important anyway.

MudderFetcherAlex can even threaten to date someone and get views...as she should

AlexofAllTradesStill on the fish vaginas.

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium UserWrapping up soon, and thank you for watching! Please subscribe!
WinkyWankyWooSupporterMy haddock has flappy lips

Guyinroom83ugh, come on Rumble fix your shit

h8yourst8only used line caught for your fish lips


MudderFetcheryou are very allergic but we love you
WinkyWankyWooSupporterat least bev admits it

Guyinroom83good thing you don't have pet fish..

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium Userhttps://discord.gg/9zfHeRSr https://rumble.com/c/thedimside https://rumble.com/c/AlexofAllTrades https://tinylink.net/0s9hd https://www.subscribestar.com/thedimside https://www.guilded.gg/i/Emzm8AA2?c

TehLordColeyWelp. Stream was stop and go right at the end, but....

TehLordColeyThanks for the stream~
WinkyWankyWooSupporteralex is treaming bobs and vagene for patreon pees

Guyinroom83i wanna play atomic heart, butwanna wait for a discount
WinkyWankyWooSupporterstreaming pees

h8yourst8i'll just block off all of april

Guyinroom83there goes your guys friendship
WinkyWankyWooSupporterwhy is stream so choppy?
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI send you good music bev

h8yourst8even less people like actual punk
WinkyWankyWooSupporteris this stream cutting out for anybody else

h8yourst8it was earlier for me

pbeavrHello Rumblers

pbeavrIt is probably Rumble

h8yourst8progressive rock

pbeavrseen it elsewhere tonight

Guyinroom83they're prog rock
WinkyWankyWooSupporterjethro tull

Guyinroom83like the band Yes

Guyinroom83or Rush
WinkyWankyWooSupporterBev...I have a cool story about jethro tull, legit too
WinkyWankyWooSupporterI lived beside ian anderson
WinkyWankyWooSupporterhe was a wanker

Guyinroom83Feds were infiltrating rumble


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