Dr. Lee Merritt: What's In The Shots? (Interview starts at 3:15 mark)

1 year ago

NOTES: Dr Lee Merritt says she went on record as early as February 4th 2020 that this covid19 was a BIOWEAPON as it can NOT be natural so it was manmade. She says she no longer believes in viruses (Dr Micheal Yeadon and others also now no longer believe in viruses).

In January 2020 she noticed an India company found HIV in CV19 proving it was manmade (Nobel Prize winner for AIDS Luc Montagier said the same thing). Another RED FLAG for her was that no one was talking about VITAMIN "D". No proof of what they have said is in these shots is actually there. 18 independent labs all say there is NO PROOF of genetic stuff & RNA sequence in these shots.

Babylonian religion of predictive programming and giving consent that you were warned so no karmic consequences to them.

HYDROGEL- Genetically engineered Hydrogel. SMART HYDROGEL is so much more (Karen Kingston patents showed this) where on SUBSTACK when she was talking about VIRUSES & CRISPR ENGINEERING it was no problem for SUBSTACK but the moment she began to talk about WAVELENGTH INDUCED DISEASES (Disease produced electromagnetically) she IMMEDIATELY became a Nonperson on SUBSTACK where THEY sent back all the money$ that people donated to Dr Merritt back to the senders. The SMART HYDROGEL acts like parasites. They don't want us talking about the ANTI-PARASITIC MEDS (Ivermectin, Chloroquine, etc... ).

Dr Merritt believes they TURNED ON an artificial poison which might explain the people in Wuhan dropping face first (Not using their HANDS to protect their fall) to the ground so they backed it off (5G frequency amounts) to not make it look too obvious.

It was the Hegelian Dialect of PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION as the solution THEY wanted to give us was a universal VAXXINE and use the fake testing PCR tests to scare people that this was a much more dangerous virus than it really was so people got SCARED and ran out to take their UNIVERSAL VAXXINE.

Scientists Want to Use People As Antennas to Power 6G- TIM NEWCOMB January 7th 2023
Why? Because your body is pretty great at harvesting wasted energy.

IOT= Internet of THINGS & IOB= Internet of BODIES.
OPTOGENETICS is where they use "WAVELENGTH" to change cellular function. Chemicals that respond to WAVELENGTHS. With this stuff in your body they can precisely control the wavelengths on your BRAIN and HEART. They can control a cardiac arrhythmia in mice. They have to INJECT you with something FIRST, in order to be able to do this.

Dr Merritt brings up the TRAVIS SCOTT concert in November 2021 where 8 people died where they said people were crushed to death but when she looked at the first reports people were dropping to the ground and people were doing CPR on them. You had to be VAXXINATED to go to this TRAVIS SCOTT CONCERT (A test?). These people are DECADES ahead of us with technology.

They mention Dr Charles Hoffe from BC Canada who says 2/3 of his vaccinated patients now have CANCER where cancers have all of a sudden gone TURBO right after the vaxxines came out.

We have a mother parasite inside all of us that usually lays 20,000 to 200,000 eggs per day where most pass out of you while some stay as cysts which our immune system spends its time guarding against and as people get older and the cysts expand, we don't have enough immune system to guard against it where problems develop along with Cancer. Cancer is parasites.
PUBMED site search for "Ivermectin cancer"

The 1918 Spanish Influenza came from the Military base Fort Riley Kansas and it was based on 3 things 1) WAVELENGTH 2) TOXIC VACCINE 3) TOXIC DRUG just like CV19 today except back in 1918 in Boston they had 118 volunteers breathe in the exhales of the dying Spanish influenza patients without touching them and 0 of the 118 volunteers got sick from that. That is how you prove TRANSMISSION of a virus/disease. We were told NOT to autopsy the CV19 dead saying we might spread the disease. 1.5 years after the CV19 pandemic started many Pathologists began looking at 26 papers & 369 patients who were said to have died of COVID19 and they came away NOT KNOWING what CAUSED the person to die.

The idea of VIRUSES is UNPROVEN. The WUHAN LAB LEAK THEORY is just another way for them to DISTRACT US while these 5G towers are going up all over the place.

MARBURG has only 620 cases in the world out of 8.5 billion people over the life of the world, that is very small and almost insignificant. The first case of MARBURG came out in 1967-1969 in the Marburg Lab (Hence where it got its NAME).

Why do the WEF Psychopaths want us to eat BUGS? Bugs have CHITIN in them. Chitin is a photo mechanical chrystal and we are ELECTROMAGNET BEINGS and we are in an electromagnet war. (I heard "la Quinta Columna" mention this a year ago about why they want us to eat bugs was to get the CHITIN inside of us for their sick AI agenda).
You wouldn't want to put your food supply in the hands of people who are trying to poison you but that is exactly what we are doing. We are now making a parallel system in health. In LATIN "VIRUS" means "TOXIN".

75:10 mark- The body needs the 90 essential nutrients.
-Libertarian99 here: This is what Dr Joel Wallach came up with all his amazing scientific research and formed YOUNGEVITY saying "every disease is a nutrient deficiency disease". BEYOND TANGY TANGERINE2.0 Peach fusion is his main product (Vitamins & minerals) that I buy and take daily and the benefits are AMAZING. You can cure Diabetes in 1-2 weeks and so many different illnesses/Diseases with natural nutrients (90 Essential Nutrients= 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 2 essential fatty acids, and 12 amino acids). Dr Joel Wallach has his own show "DEAD DOCTORS DON'T LIE".

I watched this 2011 Infowars interview with Pharmacists Ben Fuchs back in 2011 that was really good and I became a regular buyer on Autoship from YOUNGEVITY of BEYOND TANGY TANGERINE after that and still take it.

-Libertarian99- An amazing product!
Best supplement product on the face of the earth

Dr Lee Merritts website

Dr Lee Merritts Rumble channel THE MEDICAL REBEL

Anyone interested in Dr Merritts Parasite protocol with any of the anti-Parasite meds check out the video below:
Dr Lee Merritt: Parasite Protocol: The New Parasite Paradigm (October 20th 2022)

Source: Rebunked News with Scott Armstrong

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