20230320-This Time They've Finally Got Him. Really. For Sure, This Time

1 year ago

This time Wile E. Coyote is gonna get that RoadRunner. Really, this time for sure.

It seems that the Democrats have a corrupt New York prosecutor (pardon the redundancy) ready to indict Trump on election fraud charges.

Charges upscaled from misdemeanor to felony, based on election fraud for something that the FEDEREAL ELECTIONS COMMITTEE says ISN'T a crime.

Billy Bush.
Porny Daniels.
The Charlottesville hoax.
Committing foreign policy when not a Democrat.
Being a sore loser.

They didn't get him with those, but this time, they're going to get the Republican Governor of Florida to sign off on arresting and extraditing him. And of course DeathSantis will do this, because he totally wants to fracture the Republican base and kill his own presidential aspirations.

Yup, this time they've got him, for sure.

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