On Watch for the Antichrist - King Charles' Coronation and 2023 Code 113

1 year ago

Many of us are on watch in this season, alert and paying attention to things of note like signs of the near approach of the beasts and the mark associated with them. I found an email in my inbox this morning from a watchful brother in the Lord that I found very compelling. He called attention to the meaningful numbers 113 and 13 in some very pertinent calendar spans. His closing comment inspired me to check another notable span, and the featured number was produced! If you are familiar with our study, "When Will the Lawless One Be Revealed (The Sign for the Bride Part 2)," (https://theopenscroll.com/when_cometh/when_revealed.htm) and/or you have been following our work for a while, you know of our interest in what we call Code 113. While it relates to the pending reset of time, that's due to the revealing of the lawless one, and the well documented history of the one day of the year that has seen many distinctly foreshadowing events happen - the 13th day of the 1st month!

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Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: "The Pending Reset of Time"

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