Looking Behind the Curtain

1 year ago

Flock Cameras & Your Privacy

Did you ever wonder why there are cameras literally everywhere? What happens to your privacy? There are cameras being installed in various Cincinnati townships recording people entering and exiting the area. How does this impact our rights to privacy? Dan Unger will give a short presentation on Flock Surveillance cameras and why he thinks they are not in the best public interest.
Why all the craziness in today’s society? Have you been wondering why so many companies, organizations, and politicians do not seem to be operating in the interest of their most loyal customers or supporters these days? Why does Disney produce movies and shows that are so family-unfriendly to the average family? Why do utilities that burn coal and companies that produce fossil fuels promote how green they are?

Why does it seem like every car ad is for an electric vehicle? Why does the NFL plaster political slogans all over their fields and their players’ uniforms? And why does the Republican Party in Ohio seem so oblivious or resistant to the desires of its most reliable supporters on issues like Critical Race Theory and the Backpack Bill?

The uncomfortable truth is that a “stealth” government is at work behind the scenes, and it has been working on and implementing its plans for over 50 years. Now, this strange new “government” does not need to remove existing elected officials or boards of directors. It simply uses its vast amounts of money and its thousands of key influencers in the corporate, academic, media, and not-for-profit spheres to coordinate those of like mind and to intimidate the rest into acquiescence with their plans. Those who resist are removed from their positions. This strange “government” only focuses on issues that matter to them and they leave local government leaders alone to make normal, daily decisions.

The World Economic Forum (WEF), which meets in Davos, Switzerland and the UN coordinate this “government’s” operations, which are massive and span the industrialized world. This class will look at what these organizations reveal about their goals and their progress. It will also show that many of the major corporations and non-profits in the world have literally signed onto the programs of the WEF and the UN. And that explains why they act as they do.

The class will not deal in speculation. It will deal only in facts that have been obtained from the websites of the WEF, the UN, and about 10 other partners.

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