Ep 116 Trump expected to be arrested on March 21 & more!

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More on Possible Trump Indictment: Fox News Reports Final Preparations Being Made to Arrest Trump Next Week… He will “Be Fingerprinted and Processed”

Biden denies $1M in payments to family from Hunter associate, despite bank records: 'Not true'

CBS LA meteorologist Alissa Carlson Schwartz stroked out LIVE on-air on Saturday morning during her weather report.

It’s becoming too big to ignore.



Xi is coming to Moscow on Monday.

Chinese Foreign Ministry: a visit of "peaceful nature" where they will practice "true multilateralism based on the principles of non-alignment and non-targeting of third parties."

Translation: true diplomacy.

Including a solution for Ukraine.

If they handcuff Trump, he is your next president.

NEW: Biden says report of a $1M+ payment from a Chinese energy firm to his family is “not true.”

Someone should tell him that his own son already admitted it was true.

Forgive me, I have been wrong before, and I may be wrong now. But put @realDonaldTrump
in handcuffs or jail him and you may be destroying America as we know it. For those who are screaming jail him, jail him, jail him, handcuff him, handcuff him, take him out, take him down, you have no idea what message it sends to the rest of the world to have a former American president in handcuffs or in jail.

From NY law enforcement sources:

Alvin Bragg isn't smart enough to orchestrate the Trump prosecution. He’s an incompetent figurehead.

He’s not the one to watch.

His deputy Meg Reiss is behind this.

She’s a close Soros operative and committed radical with significant global connections.

Reiss has probably had more impact on radical weaponized prosecutors around the country than any other single individual.

Anyone fancy a romantic break in Paris?

Dr. Jill may be fourth Biden family member to receive money linked to Chinese business
This is about principle, not a person. This is about our country, not one man. The silence from the rest of the GOP field is deafening.

It is ridiculous that Hillary Clinton and others walk around without a care in the world while President Trump is put through hell on earth.

The Democrats know they won't be able to beat our ideas at the ballot box in 2024 so think this is their only hope.

We are living in truly perilous times.

The Lizard press just tried to convince us more people want to move to LA than to any other city.

OK while #Jan6 happened and a previously hidden visual record is emerging as to the 5 W’s and 1 H that will eventually lead to to exoneration of most Jan6ers, let’s not lose site of the exponentially greater issue:

👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽🚩 government
👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽response 🚩

For the first time in US history the US government in civil law enforcement declared war on a class of beleaguered Americans.

The head of the “#Jan6 enforcement response launched a “shock and awe” gov response (technically known as rapid dominance) that invokes military strategy (!) based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight.


Agency capture and media monopoly censorship assumed total control over the information battle space.

Applying tactics and strategy developed in overseas war zones on beleaguered Americans in CONUS is the


To Americans. To Rule of Law. To Framers. To Expression. To Families. To subsequent generations. To generations of prior enforcers.


Courts that endorse this are damaging the third branch of our Constitutional Republic.

Republicans that pretend they don’t recognize this must RESIGN NOW. 🇺🇸

Macron has banned public demonstrations in Paris.

Meanwhile in Paris...

Where is Durham?

Russia Issues Ultimatum On Grain Deal

Western countries have two months to lift sanctions on Russian agricultural exports if they want to maintain the grain deal with Ukraine, Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, said on Friday.

says the culture shifted, and now the left embraces war, censorship, big pharma, and authoritarianism:

"If you stop looking in terms of red and blue — look at the actions. Whether it's war, suppression of free speech, or mandatory pharmacological interventions. That used to all be associated with the authoritarian right, and now those things are being embraced by the left."

Oh my god he even drives himself?!?! I thought he was shaking so badly that he could barely sit at a table.

Sevastopol, Crimea, RUSSIA

A frustrated CCP Official stated 3 years ago that they couldn’t ‘control Trump’…as he cannot be ‘bought’…even though they had ‘people at the top’…

Biden’s DOJ is coordinating with the Democrat Manhattan DA to arrest Donald Trump, the top Republican Presidential candidate for 2024, and charge him with a fake outdated misdemeanor charge.


This is what they do in communists countries to destroy their political opponents!

Republicans in Congress MUST subpoena these communists and END this!

We have the power to do it and we also have the power to DEFUND their salaries and departments!

Enough of this!

The American people deserve a government that actually works for them NOT a bunch of self centered communists who bail out their donors, protect the elites, and weld their power to punish their political enemies!

Leftists and Never-Trumpers who want Trump to go to jail don’t care about Trump — they want to punish the people Trump represents. Those are the people the Leftists and Never-Trumpers truly hate.

“We always hate those whom we have wronged.” — Tacitus

Reminder: the Democrats have been getting ready to arrest Trump for a long time.

What's the banking crisis about?

They're bailing out big banks & ignoring regional banks to railroad depositors into moving their money into the biggest banks.

Why? Because they plan on outlawing cash & imposing digital currency & it's much easier to do with a few big banks.

says NIH, US universities, and potentially DARPA/DTRA are still funding Chinese military bioweapons research:

"American universities are sub-granting NIH money to military research in China... These are researchers that don't go by doctor — they go by general and colonel... The other side doesn't seem to care that probably half the scientific community now thinks this came from the lab. We don't seem to care that we may have funded this.

We now know DARPA was asked by the Wuhan Institute of Virology for money to take a coronavirus and insert a furin cleavage site into that coronavirus to make it more transmissible and more infectious to humans... A whistleblower from somewhere in the government released that grant."

Arctic sea ice is about the same thickness as it was 65 years ago, yet climate experts continue to insist the ice is disappearing.

I think the argument is when you arrest and charge someone with a crime under circumstances where this type of crime has never been pursued against others, and its the leader of the opposition political party who has already declared for election, you're politically motivated act is like to influence the turnout in the next election since arresting and charging him do not prevent him from running.

About Trump’s possible indictment.

Look, all the Democrats want is the photo-op of Trump walking in handcuffs. They will do absolutely anything to get that pic—regardless of legalities, niceties, decorum or decency.

They are so pathetic.

The prosecutor, the ex-president and the ‘zombie’ case that came back to life

Replying to
I paid 53% taxes on my Tesla stock options (40% Federal & 13% state), so I must be lifting the average!

I also paid more income tax than anyone ever in the history of Earth for 2021 and will do that again in 2022.

, is the 3% number cited above accurate?

I held a press conference following my South Carolina speech. I called on GOP donor class favorites @RonDeSantisFL
and @NikkiHaley
to join me by 9 AM tomorrow in calling on the Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg to abandon the political persecution through prosecution of the 45th president.

Asian elder cries as she’s attacked in San Francisco. She has to call for help on her iPhone while trying to stop all the blood from pouring. Asians are not safe in a city with 40% Asian population. This is ridiculous and wrong.These attacks happen daily as Asians are targeted.

The Biden regime will bail out CCP investors in Silicon Valley Bank but not America's regional banks.

This is truly incredible.

Here is an exchange with Senator James Lankford & Yellen.

He asks, "Will every community bank ... get the same treatment as SVB?"

Yellen: "Banks only get the treatment if ... the failure to protected uninsured depositors would create systemic risk."

Best Babylon Bee headline EVER.

“He Cannot Hide From His Violations of the Law” – Nancy Pelosi Trashes Trump as Soros-Backed DA Alvin Bragg Prepares to Bring Charges

If Alvin Bragg perp walks President Trump for a misdemeanor charge he needs a “novel” legal theory to elevate to a felony, then the House GOP should immediately file articles of impeachment against Joe Biden for his illegal business dealings with Hunter.

Fight fire with fire.

San Francisco is short 540 police officers. There are just 8 people currently training to be officers. And dozens more are expected to retire. The police say they are tired of being demonized and disrespected.

“This is a huge development.” Final preparations being made to arrest Donald Trump next week. Trump will “be fingerprinted and processed like every other defendant”. The Secret Service will make the decision whether to handcuff the former president or not. (Video: Fox News)

Two-Tiered Justice System: FEC Fined Hillary Clinton For Lying About Funding of Fake Russia Dossier…Was Never Threatened with Cuffs

Hunter Biden sues computer repair shop owner who worked on a laptop, accusing him of trying to invade his privacy

What to Know About Trump's Possible Criminal Charges

Biden denies China-linked payments to family members despite bank records

Nearly 200 banks at risk for same fate as SVB: study

THREAD: Joe Biden was the architect of the 1994 Crime Bill that sent millions of Americans to prison for doing what his son is doing right here.

Why aren't the Bidens being prosecuted for the 459 fully documented crimes found on Hunter's laptop?

The collapsed news anchor footage from this morning is horrifying.

China Pushes Kiev Towards Peace Negotiations in Rare Phone Call

The conflict with Russia could spin out of control, China’s Foreign Minister Qin Gang warned his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba in a Thursday phone call, Beijing has confirmed.

Make no mistake. The police state is already here folks.
That a sitting US president can operate a pay-for-play crime operation with his family, while his political party plans to arrest his opponent in the coming election, is textbook police state. Justice is dead and buried.

Fed’s instant payment service ‘FedNow’ set to launch by July 2023
[Article from August 29, 2022]

60% of Attorneys in DOJ Manhattan Office Reportedly “Want No Part” of Soros Connected DA Braggs Made-up Case Against President Trump

NYC law enforcement sources telling me that the Manhattan DA’s office is “in chaos.”

They’re telling me about 60% of the office wants no part of this and wishes Bragg and Reiss would just stop the nonsense.

They all know there is no crime.

Apparently all being driven by a small group of radicals at the top.

Very similar to RussiaGate.

EXCLUSIVE: Moments ago Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg sent out an email to the members of his office.

In the internal email Bragg says, “we do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law in New York.”

He adds, “in the meantime, as with all of our investigations, we will continue to apply the law evenly and fairly and speak openly only when appropriate.”

As major #crimes in New York City #increase by 22%, New Yorkers are using the term "the bad old days" to describe the situation's return.

Letitia James and Soros-backed New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg have allowed crime in New York City to spiral out of control. How can any American trust Ms. James or Mr.Bragg?

New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul brags about how safe New York City is — even after major crimes soared 22% last year.
WATCH: Chuck Todd asks Dr. Fauci about vaccine distribution for school-aged children.

Dr. Fauci: "It's going to be months," because children and pregnant women are vulnerable, and vaccine efficacy needs to be established.

Ark. mother sues Hunter Biden over daughter’s name

San Francisco board open to reparations with $5M payouts

San Francisco supervisors have expressed support for an ambitious reparations plan that would include a $5 million lump-sum payment for each eligible Black person, among other measures

In Sweden, technology is close to making cash a thing of the past. All aboard with the cashless society?

Power grid attacks surge 71% in 2 years, likely to keep rising

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