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Sunday WordNWorship! Mar 19, 2023

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Sunday WordNWorship!
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B2T Ministries CCLI Account: #5480954
Copyright License: 21776606
Streaming Plus License: 21776613

Songs used periodically for PraiseNPrayer and WordNWorship:
1 Mighty to Save
2 Bless the Lord
3 How Great is our God
4 Blessed be Your Name 
5 Revelation Song
6 Here I am to Worship
7 Open the Eyes of my Heart
8 Your Grace is Enough
9 Holy is the Lord
10 Graves Into Gardens
11 Raise A Hallelujah
12 Surrounded (Fight My Battles)  
13 Shout to the Lord
14 Our God
15 Nothing Else
16 The Heart of Worship
17 At the Cross (Love Ran Red)
18 Rattle
21 Everlasting God
Adding soon:
19 Worthy of it all
20 Holy Spirit

Many more in the queue...  (Type your suggestion in the comments)


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  • Esther 4:14 Amplified Bible 14 For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father’s house will perish [since you did not help when you had the chance]. And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this [and for this very purpose]?” And who knows, you may have come to this place for just this moment in time. ~ When I was young, I said. “Let me be, be what I will. ‘Till I am what I am.” - ~ With hoary head, I said. “Let me be, be what God wills. ‘Till I am fully shaped in His Image.” A vessel for Him No Fear Show No Fear Where We Go One We Go All If you know You know •

  • Hello B2T! My girlfriend and I watched your Sunday Worship Service last night! We both LOVED the format, the songs and bible study!!! The old testament needs to be educated today in the way you are teaching and how God is the same yesterday and today and how our events are very similar to the Israelite events of long ago. Excellent and thank you! Now Heidi here in Canada wants to continue being connected to B2T ministry. We need internet church!! She works for a healing and prophecy ministry in Alberta so I hope she shares. Blessings and WWG1WGAllllll from Canada, BC. Irene

  • Please pray for me as I have stomach cancer