When is a War Crime not a War Crime?

1 year ago

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In a nutshell, back in April of 2022, a Ukrainian drone dropped a grenade through the sunroof of a Russian CASEVAC (Casualty Evacuation) vehicle. At the time, I though I had just witnessed a war crime. But I was thinking with a different set of rules.

My brain was still think of COIN or Counter Insurgency, where you are very careful about who you attack because everything could end up on the news and fuel the counter insurgency. I had taken the SROE or Standard Rules of Engagement for COIN and thought it was how wars were supposed to be fought.

But this is not the case in Ukraine. Ukraine is LSCO or Large Scale Combat Operations. Ukraine doesn't need to worry about winning the hearts and minds of the local population.

America's future conflicts could see a big problem if Global War on Terror veterans confuse the way we followed rules of engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan with what is legal for large scale conflicts.

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