NEOCONS Push For WW3: RINOs Beat War Drums After U.S. Drone Downed Near Russia

1 year ago

NEOCONS Push For WW3: RINOs Beat War Drums After U.S. Drone Downed Near Russia

Why did the U.S. military have a war plane flying toward Russia in the Black Sea?
Edward Szall is back to explain how we must put pressure on our government to not start a nuclear war.
Senator Lindsey Graham is calling for the U.S. military to start WW3 by shooting down Russian jets.
The prospect of a new war can be squelched if House Speaker Kevin McCarthy rejects the neocons who are lusting after a new war.
America was flying a military drone right off the coast of Russia.
Many of the facts we have about this international incident cannot be trusted.
According to reports the drone was mapping terrain for a U.S./NATO led invasion of Crimea.
Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is calling for further provocation with Russia.
Can the woke U.S. military win a war against Russia with LGBT soldiers?

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