Webinar | No Drill: The CCP is Preparing for a Shooting War

1 year ago

In the course of the recently concluded National People’s Congress in Beijing, dictator Xi Jinping and his new Foreign Minister Qin Gong made a point of threatening the United States. Xi specifically accused the U.S. of leading Western countries in “containing, encircling and suppressing China.” For his part, Qin warned that conflict is “inevitable” unless America “changes course.”

Unfortunately, such bellicose rhetoric is being accompanied by actions that are clearly designed to give the CCP the option to wage not only the “unrestricted warfare” in which it has been engaged for decades against our country, but the shooting kind, as well. Publicly evident examples of what should be considered “indicators and warnings” of preparations for violent – and, in all likelihood, preemptive – Chinese action include the following:

- Heightened PLA military operations and exercises suggesting a determined effort both to intimidate opponents and enhance the readiness of active duty and reserve forces, paramilitary and supporting “civil-military”-fused industrial assets and infrastructure;

- Video of a secret, senior-level mobilization-planning session in Guangdong Province

- Chinese hoarding of food, fertilizers, critical minerals and other commodities, equipment, etc. that would be particularly valuable during and after war
Restrictions on supply chains exporting such stuff

- Increased activity in Belt and Road Initiative infrastructure that suggests ports, airfields and other assets around the world are being readied to support CCP power-projection

- Evidence that it is becoming more difficult to repatriate dollars invested in China

- Intensified Chinese espionage and intelligence activity in and over the U.S.

- Intensified Chinese elite capture and influence operations inside the U.S.

This CPDC webinar examines these and related topics – and the necessity for the United States to adopt a war-footing, both to enhance our deterrent to the CCP actually initiating hostilities and, if necessary, to defeat the perpetrators.


- Frank Gaffney, Founder and Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy; Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China


- Gordon G. Chang, Esq. JD, subject matter expert, Senior Fellow, Gatestone Institute, author, The Coming Collapse of China, essayist, Newsweek, Epoch Times and other outlets – Topic: Telegraphed Punch: Evidence of the CCP’s Intent to Wage a Shooting War Against America

- Ross Kennedy, Founder, Fortis Analysis; a long-time executive and consultant in the food production sector – Topic: Symptoms of China’s War-footing: Hoarding and Restricting Supply Chains

- Charles “Sam” Faddis, Former Clandestine Service Officer, Central Intelligence Agency; author, Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA; essayist, AndMagazine.com at Substack – Topic: Indicators and Warnings: Why U.S. Intelligence is Dropping the Ball, Again

- Kevin Freeman, CFA, Economic warfare expert; host, “Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman”; author, Secret Weapon, Game Plan and According to Plan – Topic: Key Indicators and Warnings: the CCP’s intensifying Economic Warfare Against America

- Dr. Bradley Thayer, PhD, Director, China Program, Center for Security Policy; co-author, Understanding the China Threat; essayist, The Hill, Epoch Times and other publications – Topic: What America Must Do: Preserve the Peace by Preparing for War

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