What Is A Christian Revival? | RIOT Podcast Ep 123 | Christian Podcast

1 year ago

A Christian revival is a spiritual awakening in a believer's life that leads to a renewed love for God, an appreciation for His holiness, a love for His Word and church, a convicting awareness of personal and corporate sin, a spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance and growth in righteousness. It energizes and deepens a believer's faith and causes a new beginning with a clean slate, lived in obedience to God.

2 Chronicles 7 14 says, "14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Revival starts within our hearts first, then Transends into others. Revival breaks the world's charm and power, allowing believers to live in the world but not of the world.

Revival is often initiated by the Holy Spirit, who draws back the veil that the world has cast over the truth, allowing believers to fully see themselves in comparison to God's majesty and holiness.

Revival is a restoration of fellowship with God after a period of withdrawal. It addresses issues such as losing the zeal for Christ, incorporating worldly values, and tolerating false teaching.

Revival aids in restoring the correct values we should hold as believers.

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