How to Unlink International Inventory Amazon Seller Central USA, Canada

1 year ago

Help file

Remove a connection using Build International Listings
You can remove a connection between your source marketplace and a target marketplace by following these steps:

Go to the Build International Listings tool.
From the list on the left-hand side of the page, select the target marketplace you want to disconnect.
Click the Remove Connection link in the Connection settings widget.
In the pop-up window, choose to keep or delete your offers in the target marketplace after the connection has been removed.
If you choose to keep offers in the target marketplace, they will remain in that marketplace but their prices will no longer be synchronized with offers in the source marketplace. You will need to maintain these offers manually.
If you choose to delete offers from the target marketplace, only offers that are connected with the source marketplace will be deleted. Any other offers will remain. It may take up to four hours before the offers are deleted from the target marketplace. You cannot undo this action.
Click Remove Connection to confirm your choice and remove the connection.
Note: FBA offers will not be deleted and may remain active to prevent inventory from being stranded in a fulfillment center for one or more of the following reasons:
An offer has inventory in the Amazon fulfillment center for the target marketplace.
An offer had a sale in the last 60 days and may be subject to returns at the target marketplace fulfillment center.
An offer has inventory in transit to a fulfillment center in the target marketplace.
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