15Mar23 From Crypto Chokepoint to Small Bank Runs — NATIONALIZATION of Financial System

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Fear has people pulling their money from small banks and putting it into the half dozen "too-big-to-fail" banks. As planned? 2:09

Roger Altman, Deputy Treasury Secretary under Clinton, said what has been done is nationalization of banking system without taking over operation of the banks (always the goal of Biden to restructure financial system and impose CBDC) — they want small/medium sized banks GONE 10:15

Look at what the Fed did with the Repo market in the fall of 2019. The government will pay whatever is necessary to make depositors whole, while taking over all financial assets. 20:49

Biden was the chief architect of the War on Drugs and its mandatory minimums, civil asset forfeiture, etc. He now wants to back off penalties for pot UNLESS a gun is owned — in that case escalate 42:39

Thieves use Tesla as getaway car and learn about range the hard way. 45:54

Inadvertent Grand Theft Auto: Tesla app allows man to take someone else' Tesla 48:28

Large majority of Americans believe "climate change" is a religion and it's being used for money and power. But then they say this… 49:21

Washington Post paints a bleak picture of Ukraine's condition. Are they shilling for more weapons — and US troops? 1:00:02

The Mother-of-ALL Supply Chain disruptions. US government has plans to do a scorched earth policy on Taiwan's semiconductor factories if war comes 1:04:08

Ban Bitcoin Mining for "Climate"? Look at AI's Consumption of Energy. Vast sums of money and energy being consumed in the deep learning training of A.I. by the very people who say crypto must be banned to save the climate from the energy consumption of crypto miners. 1:08:56

LaLa Harris LOVES Venn diagrams! Yeah, she does. It must be the intersectionality. But big money in Hollywood wants her gone, replaced with a better actor 1:17:37

The cult of the presidency (the office and not only the personality cults) and why we need to get rid of it. 1:23:05

Biden’s wants to increase taxes and grow spending even more — $51 TRILLION deficit in 10 years. 1:39:00

Trump is going to obliterate the Deep State this time around? Infantile demagoguery 1:42:32

Brave New Schools: Biden calls evil good, calls good evil 2:02:57

Hyatt Miami thinks they're too big to be jailed for grooming. But after lewd, sexual drag show for kids, their liquor license is pulled. 2:25:58

Biden tries to bribe/blackmail Tennessee over mutilation & sterilization of minors, threatening nearly $2 BILLION. Legislature moves the bill forward saying they haven't changed or redefined anything - the problem is a radical DC 2:38:56

David French as an example of the deception of "conservative" poseurs. He supports parental rights — to mutilate their own kids without state interfering. 2:55:24

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