Hormones After a Hysterectomy

1 year ago

Hysterectomies are the second most common surgery performed in the United States and involves the removal of the uterus. When should a woman have a hysterectomy?

Many times, these surgeries are performed because of symptoms of hormonal imbalance and could be avoided if the hormones were treated naturally.

Join Dr. Hotze today as he discusses the effects a Hysterectomy has on a woman’s body and how this surgery can sometimes be prevented. Female hormones have a tremendous impact on the production of neurotransmitters within the brain. The solution is to replenish your hormones with natural bioidentical hormone treatment.

Call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast and we will mail you a copy of my book “Hormones, Health & Happiness” for free! We’ll even pay for shipping!

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