How to Do Camel Pose for Treating the Spine

1 year ago

Yoga students often want to accomplish flexibility in the hips and hamstrings, but opening the front of the body and flexing the spine backwards in a healthy and safe way will create greater flexibility in the whole body. Backbends also balance forward folding so that the body does not become lop-sided. Using Camel Pose, a beginner’s backbend, Derek shows how you can expand the breathing cavity, open the chest, deepen breathing and improve your spine health.

Also known as Ustrasana, Camel Pose has several variations for beginner, intermediate and advanced yoga practitioners. We study these different Ustrasana techniques in this video.

Related links:


00:00 - Why Practice Camel Pose?
00:45 - Benefits of Camel Pose
02:10 - How to safely practice backbends if you have back injuries or issues
03:20 - How to Practice Camel Pose
04:12 - How to hold the neck in Camel Pose
05:10 - Counter Posture for Camel Pose - Child’s Pose
05:38 - A Modification for Camel Pose - Tucking the Toes
07:48 - Full Expression of Camel Pose with Feet Flat (Intermediate and Advanced)
08:50 - How to safely exit Camel Pose
09:20 - Two Counter-Postures for Camel Pose

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