Surprising Fact You Should Know Before Publishing Books on Amazon KDP

1 year ago

Are you a self-published author struggling with ASIN issues on Amazon? Look no further! In this video, Steven Pope shares advice and solutions for those looking to grow their sales on Amazon.

The video features a conversation between the expert and a self-published author who has encountered challenges with her children's book on Amazon. The author's book was initially meant to be published by a traditional publisher but ended up being self-published on Amazon. The author faced ASIN issues after initially listing her book as a paperback instead of a hardcover, and despite her attempts to fix it, the ASIN was locked into the wrong category.

The expert offers practical solutions, including creating a new ASIN for the hardcover and zeroing out the previous version. The expert also suggests getting a trademark to ensure that the author's name can be protected and registered with the brand registry on Amazon. The brand registry gives the author control over the data on Amazon and will help control the attribute of the book.

The video covers several possible paths to take when facing ASIN issues, including opening a KDP account and selling the book through that portal or selling the book wholesale to someone else to sell on their account. The expert provides step-by-step instructions on how to file a support ticket with Amazon, escalate the ticket, and ultimately send an email to Jeff Bezos if all other options have failed.

The video is a must-watch for self-published authors looking to navigate the complex world of selling on Amazon. The expert's insights and solutions are easy to follow and can help self-published authors avoid common pitfalls and grow their sales. Whether you are a seasoned author or just starting out, the advice in this video can help you take your Amazon sales to the next level.

In addition to providing practical solutions to ASIN issues, the video also provides a glimpse into the world of self-publishing and the challenges that authors face when trying to sell their books on Amazon. The expert's knowledge and experience in the industry make this video a valuable resource for anyone looking to succeed as a self-published author on Amazon. So, if you're looking for expert advice on how to grow your sales on Amazon and avoid ASIN issues, this video is a must-watch!

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