Canada's "Freedom Fighters:" Harmless or Dangerous?

1 year ago

The “#FreedomConvoy” of truckers protesting Covid vaccine mandates in #Canada last February achieved their goal of getting all government mandates repealed. Having done that, most went back to their lives and their jobs driving big rigs.

But a “small fringe minority” of Freedom Convoy leftovers have kept the Freedom grift going over the past year, continuing to organize small convoys, protests (although what exactly they are protesting isn’t exactly clear), extended campouts in remote parts of Canada, and doing internet livestreams that attract thousands of viewers on social media platforms. But what is it they’re organizing? What’s the point?

They say “#Trudeau Must Go!” And boy, have they come up with some pretty wild ways of deposing their despised Prime Minister.

This new “Freedom Movement” is a bizarre collection of #QAnon cultists, con artists, neo-#Nazis, sovereign citizens, militia patriot types, and some First Nations peoples with their controversial swastika flag.

They still do “Convoys,” but without any actual truckers this time. They still drive around the country in a long line of cars and light trucks, flying Canadian freedom flags and honking their horns for freedom. They still gather on random overpasses and sing “Oh, Canada” at the top of their lungs. They still yell “Fuck Trudeau!” They’re still trying to keep the party going, because the grift is just too good.

They even have a “Queen of Canada,”Ramona Didulo — a false pretender who last year proclaimed herself to be the Queen of Canada, and later, Queen of the World.

There’s Marcus Ray, the colorful cowboy and former male stripper leading his band of “Constitutional Sherriffs.”

There’s Christopher James, the “common law” lawyer and Holocaust denier who says he plans to unleash an army of his own military to put Justin Trudeau and his cabinet on trial for treason (in his own court, the James Court), and swiftly execute them all by hanging.

Maybe they’re just harmless nuts cosplaying as superpatriots. But what if they aren’t? What if they are really planning to overthrow the Canadian government by force and effect a violent revolution in Canada?

My Maverick News co-host Rick Walker has been reporting on the Freedom movement since the trucks first rolled into Ottawa last winter. He has followed their numerous criminal cases in the courts for Maverick News.

On this broadcast, Rick reached his breaking point with “all these cons manipulating the elderly, the children, the vulnerable, the scared and angry… into making donations and recruiting other soldiers for an army of potential domestic terrorists.”

Who ARE these people? Are they real revolutionaries? Are they terrorists? Do they really mean to hang #Trudeau? Or are they just useful idiots?

We explore on this edition of Maverick News.

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