JP'S Dystopic Journal: The Authoritarian/Fear Relationship

1 year ago

In December of 2022, I wrote the following: "According to Mattias Desmet in his book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, there are four conditions needed for a large-scale mass formation: 1. Generalized loneliness 2. Lack of meaning of life 3. 'Free-floating anxiety and psychological unease.' 4. A lot of free-floating aggression. Leftism as a mass-formation depends on all four of these conditions being met to keep their authoritarianism going." Is there new attempt to fuel the underlying anxiety so to form a new mass-formation to replace COVID? From the LR Podcast vaults, let's review this episode from December of 22.

What do authoritarians and would-be totalitarians have to replace the anxiety lost with the waning of the COVID-19 crisis? Only it seems, the threat of nuclear Armageddon. #massformation

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