2/3 The Wild Hunt!... Satan's hunting Season, his Helpers and the Hunted... Jesus elucidates ❤️ Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

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Heavenly Gifts

The Wild Hunt!… Satan’s hunting Season, his Helpers and the Hunted

February 1, 1841

The Lord speaks…
1. This is an addendum about being possessed! – But if I will proclaim to you here for mankind terrible things in the full measure, then think that it is I, to whom all things are possible!

2. If, in the case of a human being who is otherwise pious and virtuous, evil, strange beings make themselves known either by gestures, which are immediately recognizable, or, in special cases, in strange voices by all kinds of blasphemous speeches with scorn and derision, as they torture, beat, and throw the poor possessed one to and fro, this phenomenon has a threefold cause.

3. If it were asked… How does such an innocent person come to such torture, and why and when? – Think first of all…

4. If a deer has been killed in the hunt, it will no longer be hunted, the killed animal will be carried home as the prey of the hunt. But where a deer is still scented in the forest by the dogs, see, they give no rest to the deer and pursue it constantly, so that they bring it before the hunter’s deadly gun, in order to get fresh blood to lick again. – And then, for the third, every hunter also has his time and observes the maturity of the deer and spares it carefully beforehand and prevents the barking of the dogs, so as not to frighten the deer out of the forest. The deer, however, is blameless, for it is not able to notice the malice of the huntsman. And it often happens that it is a stupid deer and remains – as if it were tied up – in the dark precinct of death and allows itself to be hunted by the dogs and killed by the hunter.

5. See here the picture – and know that the prince of darkness constantly hunts all people and considers them all as the deer of his great territory. And while in former times he was only a predator, now he has raised himself for a short time to the owner of the hunt and therefore knows to spare his deer until that certain time, when he again gives a big hunt to return home loaded with rich spoils.

6. But such ‘hunting seasons’ are preferably those public amusements, war, discord, fornication and the like. And so dancers, warriors, enviers, fornicators and so on are nothing but hunted ‘deer’. – Blessed are those who have taken refuge in My territory early before the time of the hunt, if they have been told by a presentiment or by My voice calling from afar, what will soon come over the forest of Satan! – But woe to the hunted, truly I say, whose prey they have become, they shall remain!

7. Woe to the musicians who diligently blow Satan’s hunting horns day and night to daze the deer and drive them to the deadly fire of the prince of all devils! Hear, you faithful mercenaries of Satan, who blow the language of heaven into the trumpet of death, your reward shall be great in the kingdom of him whom you serve so faithfully!

8. Listen, you My scribe, such cannot be possessed, since they themselves belong to the hunting retinue of Satan. O do not doubt that it is so, for the dance music is a deceptively fine voice of Satan and resembles the song of the sirens, of which the ancients fabled very wisely. But he who leads such a voice is no longer a possessed one, but one who catches and takes possession himself.

9. Woe to you, dance masters and leading dancers, ball hosts and ball masters, you too, like musicians, belong to Satan’s hunting party, and you are useful shooting and driving devils yourselves! I do not need to pronounce your wages for the future, for in whose office you stand, he will have already measured out your pay anyway! You are diligent and faithful servants of your master; but every worker is worthy of his wages! And so you can therefore be completely assured that one day, and soon, in the last time of the great distribution of wages and prizes, you will not be shortchanged at all! For truly, it will go according to My pronouncement, and this may be a sure guarantor of this promise for you!

10. Behold, My scribe, even these are not and will not be possessed, but consider this kind of people well, and you will soon find that they are nothing but Mammon’s smooth servants, who have it written on their foreheads in pleasant writing… “Allow us and give us money, and we will poison the whole world for you and build dance halls, in which the suns may celebrate their rise and fall and the earths roll around like peas!” Oh, behold, for such great and glorious plans a very great price and reward will have to follow one day! For truly, heaven suffers the greatest poverty of such great-thinking spirits!

11. Woe to you disciples of such masters! – Verily I say to you, the prince of eternal night has faithfully inscribed your names in his great book of death. And the angel of My grace has simultaneously erased them from My book of life. And because of this you will be drawn to those who will say… “Lord, Lord, we have called upon Your name, we have believed that You are the living Son of God, even if we have not borne miraculous fruits of faith, we have believed and have been witnesses of Your grace and have worked all our actions in the power of Your name, knowing well that without Your will not even a sparrow can fall from the roof!”

12. But I will then be so free and I will answer them boldly and dryly… “Depart from Me, you cursed and hounded ones, I have never recognized you as My property. Do you think that I am a robber and a thief, and that I want to take other people’s deer? That be far! Whose possession you became, to him return, so that your prize may be yours! For I know your owner, and My righteousness goes farther than you think. And therefore, what Satan has acquired shall be his and Mine only that which has entered My precinct early enough, lured by My voice.

13. One day the great prince of death, whom you have followed and became his property, shall have no cause against Me, as if I had ever been unjust against him. Rather his own shall be eternally his and those who are Mine shall remain Mine for all eternity – and that means, those who are his shall be in the agony of judgment and all damnation’s fiery affliction with and in him, just as Mine will be in the highest bliss and delight of life with and in Me!”

14. Behold, My scribe, these ‘disciples’ already belong to the possessed ones. For whoever possesses the territory, to him also belongs that which dwells on it. – But if someone at the right time of release, which is the short earthly lifetime, voluntarily and completely leaves the evil territory and comes to Me to dwell on My territory, I will take him in and make him My property. And I will know well how to fortify My territory from the enemies and unrepentant, haunted defectors, so that My territory remains a sanctified one and My inhabitants are completely secured.

15. But hear, all of you who are haunted, this is My voice… “Verily, I say to you, you shall not be let in on your flight into My territory! For whose name has once been written in the book of death, I will never fight and advocate for him! For the right of the land register shall be eternally taken into account by Me.

16. To this class shall also be counted all fashion and luxury merchants, all the manufacturers of such abominable things of Satan, and also all those who praise, defend, approve, and even often well-meaningly promote such things, as well as all those who take part in them and have a taste for them. And so also woe to those who could have prevented such things and did not do it because of temporal interests! All these shall never become My property, as well as those who will not believe this word so that they may be saved.

17. O My scribe, doubt not! It is so! And many will come to My territory and call on My name without inner repentance. But verily I say to you, they shall not be admitted. And behold, there will be much blasphemy and cursing, and many will cling to the wood of My forest to destroy it out of revenge. But they will never reach the marrow of My solid wood. And when I quickly have the trees of My forest cleansed, behold, there I am a good forester and will bring the branches back into order.

18. And the fact that I tolerate such things and do not interfere with other people’s property Myself happens so that one day, as already said, My enemy cannot accuse Me of the slightest injustice. Therefore I do not seek anyone with force and violence and do not want to persuade anyone to come to Me, but whoever comes, seeks Me and knocks at the door of My territory at the right time, and indeed loudly screaming and with all violence knocking and tearing at the door of My territory, I will open the door to him and receive him well.

19. But whosoever shall not come at the right time, and shall not cry, and shall not bang at the door with violence, and shall not tear at the door, verily I say to you, I will not fight with My enemy for his possession; but rather what shall come upon My enemy shall come upon his acquired possession also.

20. As death came through the one, and life through the one, so in the end judgment will be held against that one, and all things will be judged through that one. – But once the prince of the world is judged by the eternal Son of the Father, then all his possessions will also be judged with and in him. For when you judge a criminal, do you not judge his bowels at the same time? And will a member be preserved alive when the criminal is killed?! – Behold, the like shall also come to pass in a not so distant future!

21. Consider what I have said here! I have still concealed many things, but leave the superfluous! There shall still follow another addendum! – Amen. – This say I, the Eternal Love! Amen.

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