210. Help! I'm Clingy!

5 years ago

In this video Rory discusses being clingy or needy in a dating/relationship situation. Have you been clingy or needy in a past relationship? This video will help you resolve some of the inner insecurity that comes from being a clingy girlfriend or a clingy boyfriend. Perhaps you find yourself being clingy while dating somebody new, or being clingy while you're trying to get your EX back.

What's important during this time (especially when you're trying to get your EX back) is that you focus on things that bring you inner peace and begin to focus on your self improvement. Improving yourself during times of high anxiety will lead to having better dates, better relationships, win an Ex back, and you'll feel good about yourself.

Oftentimes being clingy is a result of an insecurity that you're having. By focusing on your mind and your body you will raise your attractiveness to the point where you will find it easier to attract the person you want to be with. Maybe you want to attract your crush or win your Ex back; in this video Rory (The Love Chat) will help you do just that!

Check out Rory's "The Love Chat" video video concerning the topic "The Dumper Experience". If you haven't checked it out here is the link:

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mGk5BHuBPk
What does the dumper go through?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzU5iKRmIRE&t
What is my Ex thinking about during No Contact?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tXMWOrBP8g
Time is everything when winning your Ex back!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBoUbOWoyVI&t=
Will I ever hear from my Ex again?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx9dR1ykWIU&t
How to make your Ex regret dumping you!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk5F9hVwooI&t


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