Tore (Tore Says Show) is a Holocaust Denier and Nazi sympathizer. (Part 3)

1 year ago

During her shows on March 2 and 3, 2023, Tore made some astonishing claims in regard to the Holocaust and recommended that her listeners should all 'educate' themselves by watching the IPOT 1776 Documentaries on Hitler and the Nazis, entitled "Hitler, the Holocaust and the Holy Land".

As one who has studied this era thoroughly, I fully intend to debunk this pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic nonsense in detail and I would ask Tore’s listeners if this is something they also believe and support. I sure hope not!

That being said, if this is what Tore believes, there is no basis for anyone to see her as anything but a neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier. There can have been no other reason for her to recommend this other than the fact that she believes it to be factual and supports its contentions and its extremely anti-Semitic tone.

At minimum, this woman and her sycophants should not be anywhere near the President or in any way involved in his campaign for 2024. If her Nazi sympathies are exposed and she is in any way associated with Donald J. Trump, it can only hurt his reelection and serve to embarrass the MAGA Movement.

This is the third of what will be multiple videos on this subject, as the truth is relevant and Tore’s version of the truth in this case is, to say the least, questionable if not disgusting.

Here’s a link to a realistic history of “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”

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