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15 seconds

🇪🇷ማለሊት ብዓይኒ ህዝቢ ትግራይ!🇪🇷

1 year ago

Subscribe -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeNhtPBBMaqMx7oC2Qh_swg?sub_confirmation=1

We believe that people should be informed in a fun and entertaining manner. In the long term, we aim to expand, potentially hire talented individuals, and disseminate the program in a multi-language, podcast-style series.

Kintibtab is not affiliated with any political party or association. We are steadfastly dedicated to disseminating information globally. We maintain impartiality on any issues that may arise.

We believe that people should be informed in a fun and entertaining manner. In the long term, we aim to expand, potentially hire talented individuals, and disseminate the program in a multi-language, podcast-style series.

Kintibtab is not affiliated with any political party or association. We are steadfastly dedicated to disseminating information globally. We maintain impartiality on any issues that may arise.

@MonicawitHgdefawit @tefetawitalkshow @AlenaWaltaHager @zoromhamir @EriTVEritreaOfficial @neshnesh_show
#Kintibtab #EriTV #Eritrea


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