Unlock the Hidden Powers of Plants: Learn the Spiritual Truth of Herbal Medicine! Channeled Message

1 year ago

This Channeled Message message being offered by Eropius, a 12th-dimensional sprite, is about the importance of working with fairy and fae spirits to bring about positive change in the environment of Gaia. Lightworkers who communicate with these spirits help to manifest higher consciousness into lower physical densities. Eropius seeks to form a partnership with more humans of the light to work together towards a better end.

There are many misconceptions about fairy and fae spirits. They are not just gardeners who keep to the woodlands and hide from humans to protect their gold. They serve a similar purpose as angels, but in slightly different ways and multidimensional concepts. Eropius reminds us that the way we perceive them is a paradigm brought to the surface of our own history and consciousness.

The fairy and fae spirits are good at bringing consciousness of the sustenance of life force to the surface, which can work in many ways. They work with guides and overlighters to create a container or grid system that helps us harness our life force in a balanced way, enabling us to interact with all realms of consciousness, including the plant and mineral realm, as well as other Ascended Masters, angelic, and alien species that serve the light.

Eropius encourages us to communicate with all living things, including trees, birds, and grass, which is an untapped network of conscious awareness and information. Plants have a spiritual component, and effective communication with them can enhance our medical practices. When communicating with other beings, it is important to always connect with the highest light and consciousness and raise our vibration to ensure we stay in the light.

In summary, Eropius is calling for us to work with fairy and fae spirits to bring about positive change and communicate with all living things to tap into the untapped network of conscious awareness and information that exists. By doing so, we can enhance our medical practices and create a better world for all beings on Gaia.

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